We asked Wharton professors to explain hundreds of business-related terms and collected them all in this comprehensive video glossary. When you read Wharton Global Youth articles, you can click on a linked word in the text to watch a quick video on what it means and how to use it in a sentence.
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- 401k
- Accounts Receivable
- Acquisition
- Administrative Law
- Advertising Attribution
- Advertising Metrics
- Advisory Board
- Agglomeration
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Analogical Reasoning
- Angel Investor
- Annual Financial Statements
- Anti-trust
- app
- Appeals Court
- Asset Allocation
- Asset Management
- Asset Prices
- Assets
- B2B
- B2C
- Bank
- Bank Loan
- Bank Run
- Barcode
- Bull Market
- Behavioral Economics
- Benchmarking
- Bitcoin
- Blockchain
- Blue Chip Stock
- Board of Directors
- Boardroom Diversity
- Bond
- Brand
- Brand Equity
- Brand Loyalty
- Brand Manager
- Brand Personality
- Brand Relationship
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Value
- Branding
- Break Even
- Break Even Point
- BRIC Countries
- Bricks-and-Mortar
- Bricolage
- Bubble
- Budget
- Burn Rate
- Business Consultant
- Business Ethics
- Business Incubator
- Business Model
- Business Plan
- Business Strategy
- Buying Patterns
- Buyout
- Call Center
- Capital Gains Tax
- Capital Markets
- Capitalism
- Capitation
- Carrier
- Cartel
- Cash Market
- Celebrity Branding
- Census Data
- CEO Succession
- Checks and Balances
- Chief Diversity Officer
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Movement
- Click Through Rate
- Coinsurance
- Collaboration
- Collective Bargaining
- Collusion
- Combined Contract
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Speech
- Commercialization
- Commodity
- Company
- Competition
- Competitive Advantage
- Competitive Strategy
- Compound Interest
- Computer Science
- Conflict
- Consumer
- Consumer Bill of Rights
- Consumer Choice
- Consumer Goods
- Consumer Price Index
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Consumerism
- Consumption
- Contract
- Contract Theory
- Contract Worker
- Controlling Interest
- Conversion Rate
- CoPay
- Copyright Infringement
- CORE Countries
- Corporate Bond
- Corporate Culture
- Corporate Director
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Ladder
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate Strategy
- Corporation
- Corruption
- Credit
- Credit Rating
- Credit Risk
- Credit Spread
- Creditors
- Cross Selling
- Crowdfunding
- Crowdfunding Platform
- Crypto Industry
- Cryptocurrency
- Customer Base
- Customer Stickiness
- Customer Valuation
- Data
- Data Mining
- Database Marketing
- Debt
- Debtors
- Decentralization
- Decentralized Finance
- Deception
- Deductible
- Defendant
- DeFi
- Delegating
- Demand Curve
- Democracy
- Demographics
- Deposit Insurance
- Depreciation
- Deregulation
- Developed Country
- Developing Country
- Digital Asset
- Direct Marketing
- Disruption
- Dissertation
- Distributive Negotiation
- Distributor
- Diversity
- Diversity Training
- Divested Business
- Dividend
- Downside Risk
- Downsizing
- Downstream Firm
- Dutch Auction
- Early-stage Entrepreneur
- E-commerce
- Economic Growth
- Economic Indicator
- Economic Policy
- Economics
- Economies of Scale
- Economist
- Egalitarian
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic Funds Transfer
- Elevator Pitch
- Emerging Economy
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotion Regulation
- Empirical
- Employee Turnover
- Employer Health Costs
- Employer Tuition Assistance
- Encryption
- English Auction
- Entertainment Marketing
- Entrepreneur
- Entrepreneurial
- Envy
- Equity Ownership
- Ethnic Marketing
- Euro
- European Central Bank
- European Union
- Exchange Rate
- Exclusive Contract
- Executive Compensation
- Executive Suite
- Executive Team
- Export Fee
- Exporting
- Federal Open Market Committee
- Federal Reserve Board
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Services
- Financial Technology
- Fintech
- First Amendment
- Fiscal Period
- Fiscal Policy
- Fixed/Variable Cost
- Flex Time
- Focus Group
- For-profit
- Foreclosure
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Foreign Exchange Market
- Fortune 100
- Fortune 500
- Franchise Model
- Friendly/Hostile Takeover
- G8
- Game Theory
- GAP Countries
- Gender Equity
- Generic Goods
- Geotargeting
- Global Diversity
- Global Marketing
- Globalization
- Good Cop Bad Cop
- Goods
- Government Intervention
- Grassroots Movement
- Great Recession
- Groups
- Guilt
- Guilty
- Habeas Corpus
- Handshake Agreement
- Headline Inflation
- Health Care
- Health Care Costs
- Health Care Provider
- Health Care Purchaser
- Health Maintenance Organization
- Health Plan
- Hedge Fund
- High-income Household
- High Margin Business
- Household Income
- Housing Bubble
- Housing Market
- Housing Value
- Human Capital
- Ideology
- Importing
- Inclusion
- Income Statement
- Incumbent Government
- Indemnity Plan
- Individual Investor
- Industrial Organization
- Industry
- Inflation
- Initial Public Offering
- Innovation
- Innovation Tournament
- Innovator
- Institutional Investor
- Integrative Negotiation
- Intellectual Property
- Interactive Media
- Interest Deduction
- Interest Rate
- International Trade
- Interoperability
- Intrapreneur
- Inventory
- Investment Banker
- Investment Portfolio
- Investor
- Job Performance
- Joint Venture
- Knowledge Transfer
- Labor Economics
- Labor Market
- Labor Union
- Land Use
- Layoff
- Lean Startup
- Leverage
- Liability
- Liable
- Lien
- Line of Credit
- Liquidation
- Liquidity
- List Price
- Living Wage
- Loan Default
- Location Based Marketing
- Logistics
- Logo
- Loss Leader
- Low-income Household
- Luxury Brands
- M&A
- Macroeconomics
- Managed Care
- Management
- Management Structure
- Manager
- Margin
- Marginal Cost
- Market Crash
- Market Efficiency
- Market Forces
- Market Fragmentation
- Market Liquidity
- Market Research
- Market Share
- Market System
- Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Manager
- Marketing Strategy
- Mass Market
- Masterpiece Cakeshop
- Mechanical Engineering
- Media
- Media Bias
- Media Kit
- Medicaid
- Medical Ethics
- Medical Savings Account
- Medicare
- Memorandum
- Mentor
- Merger
- Metropolitan Area
- Microeconometrics
- Microeconomics
- Microfinance
- Microloan
- Middle-income Household
- Middle Manager
- Minimum Wage
- Mission Statement
- Mixed-use Real Estate
- Mobile Advertising
- Mom and Pop Stores
- Monetary Policy
- Monetize
- Monopolistic Competition
- Monopoly
- Mortgage Loan
- Motivation
- Multicultural Consumer
- Multinational
- Municipal Bond
- Mutual Fund
- Naivete
- Nanotechnology
- National Health Insurance
- Negligence
- Net Operating Losses
- Net Worth
- New York Stock Exchange
- Niche Market
- Nielsen
- Non-fungible Token
- Nonprofit
- Obamacare
- Oligopoly
- Online Advertising
- Online Advertising Campaign
- Online Marketing
- Online Privacy
- Open Innovation
- Operating Expenses
- Operating Income
- Operating System
- Operational Process
- Operations
- Operations, Information & Decisions
- Operations Research
- Opportunity Cost
- Organization
- Owners Equity
- Pain Point
- Paradigm
- Parent Company
- Partisanship
- Partnership
- Patent
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- Pension
- Performance
- Personal Finance
- PhD
- Philanthropy
- Pivot
- P&L Performance
- Plaintiff
- Plea Bargain
- Point of Service Plan
- Policymaker
- Political Economy
- Positioning
- Power of Silence
- Pre-Emptive Bid
- Preferred Provider Organization
- Premium
- Preventive Care
- Price Ceiling
- Price Competition
- Price Elasticity
- Price Floor
- Price Index
- Price Promotions
- Pricing
- Private Company
- Private Equity
- Private Insurance
- Private Sector Consumption
- Privatization
- Product
- Product Assortment
- Product Category
- Product Launch
- Product Lifecycle
- Product Line
- Product Loyalty
- Product Substitution
- Productivity
- Professional Identity
- Promotion
- Public Company
- Public Finance
- Public Health
- Public Insurance
- Public Policy
- Purchase Decision
- Purchasing Power
- QE
- Quantitative Easing
- R&D
- Recommendation System
- Regulated Market
- Regulations
- Regulatory Restrictions
- Religious Freedom
- Renewable Energy
- Research and Design Engineer
- Reservation Price
- Residential Real Estate
- Resource Allocation
- Return On Investment
- Revenues
- Reverse Auction
- Risk Management
- Search Engine
- Search Engine Optimization
- Securities
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Securities Regulation
- Seed Capital
- Seeding Point
- Self-insured Health Plan
- Senior Manager
- Service
- Share of Voice
- Share of Wallet
- Shareholder
- Sherman Anti-trust Act
- Short Selling
- Signing Bonus
- Small Business Administration
- Smart Contract
- Smart Growth
- Smartphone
- Social Business
- Social Capital
- Social Enterprise
- Social Graph
- Social Identity
- Social Impact
- Social Influence
- Social Marketing
- Social Network
- Socially Responsible Investing
- Software Developer
- Sole Proprietorship
- Speculation
- Speculative Capital
- Startup Capital
- Statistician
- Stock
- Stock Market
- Stockholders Equity
- Strategic Alliance
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Partner
- Strategy
- Subordinate
- Subprime Borrower
- Subprime Lender
- Subprime Loan
- Sunk Cost
- Supplier
- Supply and Demand
- Supply Chain
- Supreme Court
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Business
- Syndicated Loan
- Targeted Marketing
- Tariff
- Task Force
- Tax Deduction
- Tax Rate
- Taxable Income
- Teams
- Technical Committee
- Technological Applications
- Technology Transfer
- The Economy
- The Freedom of Speech
- Third-party Payer
- Third World
- Tort
- Tort
- Tort Reform
- Trade Sanction
- Tradeoff
- Transportation Economics
- Treasury Department
- Treasury Notes
- Trial Court
- Underinsured
- Unearned Income
- Unemployment
- Uninsured
- United Nations
- Upside Opportunity
- Urban Economics
- Urban Enterprise Zone
- Urban Planner
- Urban Planning
- Urban Sprawl
- Valuation
- Venture Capital
- Viral Marketing
- Vision Statement
- Wage Inequality
- Warranty
- Wealth Management
- Web Application
- Web3
- Workforce Churning
- Workplace Incentives
- World Bank
- World Economic Forum
- Zoning