I. Foundations of Marketing
- Brand Equity
- Brand Promotion
- Brand Strategy
- Brands — Project
- Consumer Behavior Lesson 1: Shopping with “Pretty Woman”
- Consumer Behavior Lesson 2: The Buying Process
- Consumer Behavior Lesson 3: Segmentation and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Consumer Behavior Project
- Factors Affecting Purchasing Behavior
- Foundations of Marketing: Who’s Your Competition?
- Innovative Ideas Come from Need
- Let’s Play a Game! (Competition Strategy — Lesson 2)
- Market Segmentation
- Marketing Mix Lesson 1: Product Design
- Marketing Mix Lesson 2: What’s the Right Price?
- Marketing Mix Lesson 3: Where Should You Sell?
- Marketing Mix Lesson 5: Promotions
- Marketing Mix Overview: What’s the Right Mix?
- Marketing Plan Lesson 1: What’s My Market?
- Marketing Plan Lesson 2: The Marketing Mix
- Marketing Plan Lesson 3: Let’s Hear Your Plan
- Marketing Plan Lesson 4: Revise, Revise, Revise
- Marketing: A Historical Perspective
- Societal Marketing
- The Product Life Cycle
- What Is Your Brand?
- You Are Your Brand
II. Consumers and Their Behavior
- A Kinder Entrepreneur for Global Business: Putting Yourself in the Shoes of Others
- Consumer Behavior Lesson 1: Shopping with “Pretty Woman”
- Consumer Behavior Lesson 2: The Buying Process
- Consumer Behavior Lesson 3: Segmentation and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Consumer Behavior Project
- Factors Affecting Purchasing Behavior
- Foundations of Marketing: Who’s Your Competition?
- Let’s Play a Game! (Competition Strategy — Lesson 2)
- Market Segmentation
- Marketing Plan Lesson 1: What’s My Market?
- Marketing Plan Lesson 2: The Marketing Mix
- Marketing Plan Lesson 3: Let’s Hear Your Plan
- Marketing Plan Lesson 4: Revise, Revise, Revise
- Promotional Mix Lesson 4: Direct Mail
III. External Factors
IV. The Marketing Mix
- Marketing Mix Lesson 1: Product Design
- Marketing Mix Lesson 2: What’s the Right Price?
- Marketing Mix Lesson 3: Where Should You Sell?
- Marketing Mix Lesson 5: Promotions
- Marketing Mix Overview: What’s the Right Mix?
- Marketing Mix Project
- Marketing Plan Lesson 2: The Marketing Mix
- Marketing Plan Lesson 4: Revise, Revise, Revise
- Promotional Mix Lesson 1: Advertising
- Promotional Mix Lesson 2: Sponsorship and Publicity
- Promotional Mix Lesson 3: It’s a Big Sale!
- Promotional Mix Lesson 4: Direct Mail
- Promotional Mix Lesson 5: Promotional Mix Project
- The 7Ps (Marketing Mix — Lesson 8)