DECA Student Tomas Martinez Talks Cookie Dough and His Life as a CREAM Franchisee

Tomas Martinez is a senior at Cypress Bay High School in Weston, Florida, U.S. He has a unique experience with entrepreneurship, helping to operate two CREAM (Cookies Rule Everything Around Me) ice cream franchises that his family currently owns in Florida – a business relationship that began as a project for DECA, a global organization that prepares students through competitions to become effective leaders and entrepreneurs. With the help of investors, the Martinez family opened its first CREAM franchise in Florida in 2016 (which was also the first CREAM store on the East Coast), and was given the master franchise rights for the entire state. Its third store will open in Pembroke Pines, Florida, at the beginning of December 2017. The family has also sold additional franchise rights to investors in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade. While visiting Philadelphia in November for the recent Ultimate DECA Power Trip conference, Martinez sat down with KWHS’s Anthony Williams to talk ice cream, inventory, and what it takes to make a franchise business work.
Knowledge@Wharton High School: Hi. I’m Anthony Williams from Knowledge@Wharton High School. I’m joined by Tomas Martinez. Tomas, his brother Armando, and their parents, own and operate several franchises in Florida of the California-based company CREAM. And it all started in a classroom with a DECA project. I understand your parents are both Stanford graduates and that, not too long ago, they were well established in their careers. Fast forward a few years, and you all now own and operate several CREAM franchise shops in Florida. First, tell me a little bit about CREAM, and then help us to understand how this became your family venture.
Tomas Martinez: CREAM started in California as a family business. They would always make ice cream sandwiches for their kids, so they thought it was a good idea to open a store. When we were going to visit California one time, my brother had to do a project for DECA called the International Business Plan. He was thinking about what company to do, and we just saw this line pouring out [of the CREAM store]. We were like, “Oh, what is that?” It was an ice cream sandwich store; it was CREAM. We loved it. I kept going back. I had like five sandwiches that day!
So, my brother decided to do the business [plan] on CREAM. This was when I was in 8th grade. And around a year and a half, two years later — after my brother and I would always casually tell my dad and my mom, “Oh, we should open this store,” as a joke — they were in contact with the company. [We opened our first CREAM store in Aventura, Florida in 2016]. After my brother competed in DECA, I had seen how much fun he had and how much he learned from that experience, that I wanted to do it myself. [Now that we owned the CREAM franchise,] I competed in the franchise business plan. How that works is it’s basically what we did in real life, but I wanted to apply it to a location that could actually be opened in the future. [I wrote a franchise business plan] for Gainesville, where the University of Florida is [located]. It was an incredible experience [and we did well in the competition]. We got to travel all the way back to California, because that’s where [the DECA International competition was held]. It was just really cool to see how it went full circle from starting in California, to opening [CREAM] in Florida and then competing at internationals with it, and actually getting second place.
KWHS: Interesting. So could you talk a little bit more about that whole competing in internationals and second place in DECA? What does it mean?
Martinez: DECA is a business-oriented club. It teaches entrepreneurship and it shows you how to go into a career in the future in the areas of marketing, finance, all those different areas that apply to the business world and different aspects of it. And in the company, there are obviously different areas, depending on what you’re interested in. I competed in a written event. So, you actually write a business plan of how you’re going to open the store, what marketing techniques you’re going to use, the projected financials of the business. And then you have to give an oral presentation to a mock investor, trying to convince them to invest in the company so that you can open the store. There are many rounds to that — there are districts, states, and then all the way to California.
KWHS: Getting back to your business, you described it as a franchise. What is a franchise?
Martinez: A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business. And then they get in contact with them and open their own store, but with [the franchise owner’s] materials and the naming and the brand. So, you’re opening your own business for the first time, but you already have that brand recognition. People are going to be able to at least have a little bit of an idea of who you are as a company. It’s just easier to start up when you have that base of a corporate background that can help you with many different details of how to get the business started.
KWHS: We’ve mentioned your parents. We’ve mentioned the idea of how this came about. Could you give me a little bit more? What is your role in the business?
Martinez: All right. When the business first started, it had to do with construction and all those things. I wasn’t necessarily always at the store. But every single time when my parents would come home at dinner, we would always sit around, and that’s all I wanted to know. “What happened today in the business? What did we do? How far are we? Show me the pictures of the store.” Then, once the store opened, I’ve been working as an employee, trying to do each individual area — in the front with customers, in the back with managing inventory, and trying to get a little bit of each thing so that I can have a better grasp of the entire business.
KWHS: What’s that like for a high school student?
Martinez: It’s really interesting. When it comes to being able to talk to my parents about exactly the details of things outside of just working, it’s really cool, because I get to have more knowledge about what I’m learning in the classroom and what I had to write the [DECA plan] on. It was a unique experience, because if I had a question that most other businesses wouldn’t really answer a typical high school student, I would be able to ask my parents and get [the answers I needed]. Not a lot of people have that opportunity.
KWHS: What would you say has been your greatest challenge?
Martinez: Individually for me, I think the greatest challenge is when you’re working with your other employees. I don’t find the customer interaction that difficult. I think it’s more when you see another employee doing something that maybe you think could be done a different way, like how to approach them and tell them, “I think it should be done this way or this way,” and just trying to have that relationship with your coworkers. I think that will make the dynamic more effective. It would be a smooth business operation [when you know how to communicate effectively with your coworkers].
KWHS: It seems like this has been a very large learning process for you. What advice would you give to other teens who may aspire to do the same thing?
Martinez: I think that whatever business you’re working at, or obviously if you have that opportunity, take every single possible chance you have to gain any piece of knowledge you can. But even at whatever company you’re working at, at home, just try to get a little bit of every position and put yourself in a managerial role so you can see how you would run the business in your mind, and see what decisions you would make differently, and what it seems like the company’s doing right. And obviously, just learn from every single position, because they’re all important to make the business work.
KWHS: You sound like you have it all figured out.
Martinez: There’s still a lot to learn, but it’s been an interesting experience.
KWHS: What do you think you’re going to want to do after high school?
Martinez: I’m not 100% sure yet, but definitely something with a business aspect to it. [I want] a managerial type of experience where I can, as I said, look at the different roles and try to make them act as a unit to make the business successful.
KWHS: Let’s pivot from these questions with business. I’m interested to know, and this has been the question I’ve been wanting to ask, what is your favorite kind of ice cream?
Martinez: My favorite kind of ice cream depends on where I’m having the ice cream. I’m very particular with ice cream.
KWHS: Fair enough.
Martinez: Cookie dough is my usual go-to. But at CREAM, all the ice creams have their different, unique, I don’t know, manufactured qualities. And the chocolate ice cream is really dense in comparison to the other ones. I don’t know why, but it’s so good. That’s what I get at CREAM.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers? Either tell us about it in the comment section of this article or contact us at to possibly get your story published in the KWHS business journal.
A franchise is when someone looks for an already established, successful business to expand. An advantage of owning a franchise is being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and most likely a guaranteed success. A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is the lack of creativity given. By taking up a franchise, you enter an agreement with the actual owner and must do things their way.
A franchise is when someone looks for an already established, successful business to expand. An advantage of owning a franchise is being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and most likely a guaranteed success.
some disadvantages are:
The owner will have to operate their business to the procedures and restrictions set by the franchiser
On-going royalties and advertising fees
The franchisee is affected by a damaged brand name
Terms of the franchise are set by the franchiser.
The well interaction with clients and personnel translates into a successful business, it makes the process smooth.
A franchise is when you acquire the name and brand of a stablished store, and open it in another location
pros: usually it gives you a guaranteed successful outcome; by offering a already recognize brand and product.
Cons: because franchises need to be consistent, the franchisor regulates all the factor and decisions of the store. in exchange of that guaranteed success fees need to be paid, reducing profits.
A good relationship with clients and personnel translates into a successful business. It smooth down the whole process.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about?
A franchise is an already existing business in which someone saw an opportunity to expand it. The biggest advantage is the fact that the risk of investing in that business is minimized because it is an already functioning, successful business and you don’t have to start from scratch.
What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
One disadvantage is that there’s little room for creativity since franchise agreements dictate how you run the business. Another disadvantage is that the bad performance of other franchises might also affect your franchise’s reputation.
How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Relationships play an important role because by communicating effectively there are greater possibilities of solving a problem that might establish a more productive environment.
A franchise is when someone looks for an already established, successful business to expand. An advantage of owning a franchise is being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and most likely a guaranteed success. A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that there is little room for creativity on the part of the owner. Developing good relationships with people is important because it keeps the business running smoothly.
A franchise is a form of business that someone owns but not really owns the main company. They own only one or more stores of the business, managing the store as if it was theirs. A advantage of Tomas of having a franchise of CREAM is that he is really passionate about it and like to introduce it to his friends and family and its not something that he does not enjoy doing/purchasing. A disadvantage of having a franchise though, is that the main company is not yours, which means that the main standard way things go on is not up to you to decide, but for the official CEO of the company. Tomas said that CREAM is a store from California that he knew it from when he used to visit there, so the actual owners are the owners from these stores that Tomas used to go several years ago and eat ice cream sandwich.
A franchise is when a person asks an already established and successful business for the opportunity to operate and expand the business themselves at a different location. The advantages of opening a franchise is An advantage of owning a franchise is being able to manage something that is already recognized by consumers and most likely a guaranteed success. The disadvantages of opening a franchise are that you must follow the business plan of the original owner of the company and you must pay a royalty fee. Tomas had stated that his parents were in contact with the owners of CREAM, he also had started working in the store when it first opened. He experienced what he learned in the class first hand. Tomas also talks about how every position in a company is important and often the most difficult part of a business he finds is seeing an employee do something and speaking to him about how it can be done in a better way.
1. A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven to be successful business. Some advantages of owning a franchise are for example: owners enjoy a certain level of independence, you have brand recognition, a built in costumer base… There are some disadvantages that people must considerate like the franchise is affected by a damaged brand name and terms of the franchise are set by the franchiser.
2. The power of relationships can affect in a franchise business, for example, like Thomas said in the interview, it would be a smooth business operation when you know how to communicate with your coworkers effectively like interacting with them in a nice way.
A franchise is when someone is looking for a business to expand, but one that’s already been established. An advantage of owning a franchise is already having a brand recognition and people will have an idea of who you are as a company. A disadvantage of a franchise is that at times you are limited as to what you can do because you are not the actually company owner.
In a business, relationships play a big role. An essential part of relationships is communication, because with out a good relationship, there is no communication.
This is my first year at DECA so I haven’t had any stories yet, but I do hope to grow and develop my knowledge with my DECA experience.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about?
A franchise is an established, functioning business. Some of the advantages for a student, of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about are the learning opportunities. He mentioned how he learned a lot. He told us to try and learn from every position available. In order to take a first hand view in the business one should put themselves in a managerial role. Other advantages are the fact that owners can enjoy a certain level of independence. Also, franchises have a wide-spread brand recognition, a built-in customer base and quality and consistency are determined by the franchiser. Franchises offer pre-opening support for site selection, design, training and financing. Franchises offer ongoing support in advertising, operations, management, and acquisition.
What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
The franchisee must operate their business to the procedures and restrictions set by the franchisor
On-going royalties and advertising fees
The franchisee is affected by a damaged brand name
Terms of the franchise are set by the franchiser
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
His relationship with his co workers has the power to improve or worsen the business. If their relationship was poor then they would not get along therefore they would not work well together. Business relationships like knowing successful and wealthy people are an advantage. These people can be potential investors, improving the business.
A franchise is a type of business that uses the name, logo and trading systems of an existing successful business.The Martinez family saw the opportunity of bringing CREAM, an established business from California to Weston, FL. An advantages of this decision is that, since it is an already existing business, it is safer to invest because you don’t have to start everything from the beginning; you would base the management of the store on what is already being done by the franchiser. Some disadvantages that a franchisee owner may face are the restrictions set by the franchiser, on-going royalties, advertising fees and possibly being affected by an issue that another franchisee or even the franchiser had.
As Thomaz said, it is essential to have a good relationship with your co-workers. If two employees cannot work together, that is a big issue for the business. Also, it is extremely important to make connections with successful business people since they can be potential investors.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
* A franchise is an established functioning business that you expand it into other places or make it bigger. Some advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about is learning advantages, level of experience in business and many others.
* Some advantages of taking franchise route to entrepreneurship is that you have to follow strict rules from the owner of the company and also you have a lot of fees and royalties.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
* The power os relationships play a big role in role in the franchise business because you need to be able to communicate, be respectful and connect to your partners and co-workers to make the environment better and more productive.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is an already established business or brand that has been proven to be successful in an open market. The person who is looking to open a store uses the same name, materials and rules of the original store. As a franchise owner you own a piece of the business and pay a percentage of your earnings to the original creators of the business because they have let you use their brand. Some of the disadvantages of having a franchise is that you lack the freedom to make any changes. If you feel like there should be any changes then it has to be ran through the majority owners. Another disadvantage could be the major risk that is taken in opening a franchise. If like Tomas you are opening a store in an area where the brand doesn’t mean anything or have any value then you can possibly risk losing all your investment in the business.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Having effective communication with the people you work is key. If Tomas can’t be seen as a leader then people will become unmotivated and do a worse job. He must have effective communication skills with his co-workers so that way he can succeed and the business as well. Also with improved relationships you can increase the rates of production since the workers will be motivated to do their job.
A franchise is an already established business that someone may wish to open their own store of. Since the business is already established, people will most likely recognise the brand and know about the business. The owner can avoid the trouble of promoting a new brand, as well as having some guidelines to get the business started since the store is a branch of the main franchise. As a branch of the main franchise, the branch owner must use the franchise owner’s materials, naming, and brand name. While this can help get the business started, it can limit the amount of creativity that the branch owner can put into their store. For example, if the branch owner believes that certain changes may benefit the business, they may not be able to make those changes.
As Martinez has mentioned, depending on how you interact with your coworkers, it can help make the business run smoother and more productively. It is also important in your relationship with your coworkers that you are able to share your own opinions. This communication can help avoid major misunderstandings that can greatly affect the business.
I believe another important lesson that Martinez has shared with us is to getting to know people and keeping in contact with them. If Martinez’s parents were no longer in contact with CREAM, they most likely would not have been able to open their Florida branches of CREAM.
Since this is my first year in DECA, I don’t really have any amazing stories of competitions or stuff that Martinez probably does. However, even without competitions, I have come to like the general atmosphere within DECA. While volunteering to sort the donations from a recent fundraiser, Helping Hands, it is very eye-opening to see just big of a group that you are apart of. There were a lot of donations and not everyone had the same idea of sorting them. We also ran into some minor and major issues during the process, but they were resolved by members communicating with each other and coming up with a solution. This communication and openness to each other’s ideas seem to exist in DECA in general. While there may be a person leading on a certain task, that person is always very open to new ideas and input from everyone else.
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business. And then they get in contact with them and open their own store, but with materials and the naming and it. The advantages in this case like Tomas saud was having that base recognition. So people alreadt have an idea about who u are. The aspect of controlling the business and making shure that your franchise is tip top and doesnt become run down. Relationships jave played a big role and he has too in this franchise. Dealing with employees and how to apptoach them. Hes learning more and more about every other position and even manegerial position. I actually dont have a cool DECA stpry but i know that there’s one coming
A franchise is a chain business or when a person looks for an already established business that could be proven to be successful. The franchise is not likely to fail because the customers already know the business and the businesses like it when the customers know that they could have researched or looked at the business. Some advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about is that when someone tries to look for a business they can open a new store and get in contact with them. Another advantage of owning a franchise is If people have an idea that they know who your are as a company, it is much easier to start from a basic corporate background and try to get the business started. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise group to entrepreneurship is that business managers or owners have to come with an agreement and follow franchise rules on what to sell and and how to operate a business. If a franchise is losing customers and decreasing in revenue, that means that they possibly could lose their reputation and do major damage to the franchise itself.
The power of relationships plays into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business by showing him the importance of interacting and communicating with others effectively and efficiently to play the different important roles. I’d say that he has learned a lot throughout he’s years working out cream, interacting and making friends with employees and he will have a great job striving for greatness when he is older.
This is only my first year in DECA, so I have not had much experience in competitions, but I did go on the Philadelphia DECA power trip with the DECA teachers. It was a great experience working in workshops and doing an interview with the judges. I really enjoyed it and I hope to participate in more DECA competitions and events to come.
Martinez said that a franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business. And then they get in contact with them and open their own store, but with [the franchise owner’s] materials and the naming and the brand. So, you’re opening your own business for the first time, but you already have that brand recognition. People are going to be able to at least have a little bit of an idea of who you are as a company. It’s just easier to start up when you have that base of a corporate background that can help you with many different details of how to get the business started.
A franchise is a “chain” business that has the right to sell under a name under terms and conditions agreed upon in a contract. It is an established business that you expand. Some advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about is that when you open this new business you already have a brand recognition and a corporate background that can help you get the business started. Another advantage of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about is that he gets more knowledge on a business and that some information that other businesses maybe wouldn’t want to give him, he can ask his parents and they will provide him with the information he needs to get a better understanding of the material. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship could include: Entering into a formal agreement with your franchisor which will leave little room for creativity as the franchise agreements dictate how you run the business and being restricted as too where you may operate and the products you sell.
The power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business as it has showed him the importance of communication and working with others. I believe he has learned to create relationships with his customers and employee so the business can continue to strive and so people will stay loyal to them.
As I have only been in DECA for a year, my deca story does not consist of competitions and trips. Last year was my first year competing at districts and I didn’t try as hard as I could’ve but I now understand and acknowledge how much DECA can impact your life in both academics and real life situations so this year I am going to try my best to do well at districts and see how far DECA will take me as the years go on.
A franchise is a new business started with the same materials and under the same name of an already established, successful corporation; some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about are the convenience of starting off with brand recognition as well as the ability to have some sort of guidance when opening the business.
Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that you have to abide by the original corporation’s rules and ideas, so there’s little room for a business owner to work alone.
The power of relationships plays a major role into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business seeing as the original owner of the corporation and the person trying to open up a smaller business under its name must have great communication skills to work together and ensure the success of both companies.
1. What is a franchise and what are some advantages of owning one that Thomas Martinez talks about? A franchise is attempting to seek a business that is already valid in their success. You should communicate with the person who owns the franchise so you can open your own store with the Franchiser’s materials. He talks about how it is an easier base to build off of as a corporate to help you get s business started with details and ideas.
2. What could be some of the disadvantages of being the franchise route to entrepreneurship? Some of the disadvantages of being the franchise route to entrepreneurship is working with other employees. If you want to talk to your co workers about a situation they could have done differently can be difficult at times because you have to build a relationship with them in order for you and your employers to work better as a whole in business.
3. How does the power of relationships play into what Thomas has learned thus far in the franchise business? He talks about how learning about each aspect as a worker can help a business as a whole and learning from his parents and co workers helps a business grow.
4. This is my second year in Deca and it has been great. Iv’e learned, matured, and I have grown from the experiences and the opportunities. I want to win districts and compete at states.
Franchise is an already established successful business where someone will open their own store using the same brand, name and products from the franchise owner’s, it is less likely to fail, because customers already know the business and they tend to appeal customers that know the company’s reputation from previous franchises. By owning a franchise owners have to come with an agreement and follow franchisors’ rules on how and where to operate and what to sell in the business, also if one franchise is not doing so well it can cause damage to your franchise due to reputation of the franchise.
The role of relationship between empolyees and coworkers are essential to the business, the relationship between them will define whether the business will have a good environment or not. And that can either help the business strive or cause it to fail, having a good communication skill and respect to the coworkers have a huge impact on the business, as Thomas Martinez said this is one of the most challenging part approaching and dealing with his coworkers.
Tomas achieved being a successful franchisee because of the connections that he had. Both him and his brother established a connection with the owners of the CREAM franchise. He got to know them, understand their reason for creating the business and was inspired to take that dream and move it to Florida. By creating a connection with the owner, Tomas was able capture the owner’s original vision for the how CREAM was expected to be run.Tomas probably maintains a positive relationship with the owner because his family and him own multiple stores throughout Florida. The family was able to get direct information from the owners to help the start-up process. This relationship can help Tomas and his family throughout their life, not only with CREAM related matters. If Tomas had not created a good relationship with the owner, his CREAM location might not have been as successful.
It is mentioned that Tomas’s parents were well established in their careers when they decided to help Armando and Tomas open up CREAM. Tomas’s parents may have had previous connections that helped them when starting up the first franchise. Many franchises can fail because they don’t have the right connections to help them out. By maintaining previous connections, this could’ve helped speed up the process for the Martinez family. Mr. And Mrs. Martinez may have gotten more input about the do’s and don’t’s of starting a franchise, because they were well established. This puts them at an advantage.
Tomas knows so much about the business of CREAM because his parents maintain and run all of the CREAM stores in Florida. It is such an amazing opportunity to have your parents run multiple, successful franchise locations. This experience has opened up Tomas to the real life business world. He has the opportunities to see what job he enjoys doing and what jobs he knows he is not as well versed in. Many people don’t get those kind of opportunities until way after their senior year of high school. For Tomas to be exposed to that earlier in life, it will only benefit him in the future.
A critical factor in running this operation is maintaining the employer/employee relationship, while developing a cordial work environment. Tomas understands that he must have his employees maintain the standards of the store, without being an overbearing employer
A franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, such as, providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company’s products. Some advantages of owning a franchise are being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and most likely a guaranteed success, to come with an agreement and follow franchisors’ rules on how and where to operate and what to sell in the business, when you open this new business you already have a brand recognition and a corporate background that can help you get the business started, and get more knowledge on a business and that some information that other businesses maybe wouldn’t want to give Martinez, he can ask his parents and they will provide him with the information he needs to get a better understanding of the material. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route are entering into a formal agreement with your franchisor which will leave little room for creativity as the franchise agreements dictate how you run the business and being restricted as too where you may operate and the products you sell, also you have a lot of fees and royalties, affected by a damaged brand name, terms of the franchise are set by the franchiser, and the lack of creativity given. The power of relationships play a role in franchise because you need to be able to communicate, be respectful and connect to your partners and co-workers to make the environment better and more productive, if their relationship was poor then they would not get along therefore they would not work well together and business relationships like knowing successful and wealthy people. I personally do not have a cool DECA story to share because this is my first year in DECA. However, I do like the club and the fundraisers. I really would like to participate I one of the competitions to at least get into districts. I don’t care what place I get because I just want the experience of actually competing and making new friends.
A franchise is when a person decides to open a business that is already established and that already has a brand name. Some advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talked about is that it already has brand recognition due to the fact that is already an established business. This means that people who have already been to another location or that have already heard about it, already know about the company’s reputation. Another advantage is that Daniel was able to learn more about the company through information that he was able to ask his parents for, which he probably wouldn’t have been able to obtain from other companies. One disadvantage of owning a franchise is that it might limit your capacity of incorporating new ideas due to terms set by the franchisor that must be followed. Another disadvantage is that although it is usually better to have people already talking about your company, if one franchise is doing bad and gives bad customer service, it could affect how well your franchise does too.
The power of relationships plays a role into what Tomas has learned so far in the franchise business because he explains how he finds it harder to communicate with his co-workers than with customers. When communicating with co-workers, it is vital to always be respectful and polite, especially when you are trying to talk to them about something that they could improve on. If you have bad relationships with customers the it could affect whether or not they come back to your business. If you have a bad relationship with your co-workers it could affect your work environment and have consequences on your performance and the performance of your fellow employees. I also believe that relationships could help you make important connections. One DECA teacher at my school always says that “your network is your net worth” because you never know if the people that you meet can help you out or provide new opportunities for you and your business.
It is my second year in DECA and last year I only made it to district competitions but this year I am going to study a lot because I would love to compete. When my brother was in high school, he competed with DECA and said that it was an amazing experience that taught him a lot. It also allowed him to meet a lot of new people and I would love to follow in his footsteps.
A franchise business is a business in which the owners sell the rights to their business logo, name, and model to third party retail outlets, owned by independent, third party operators. Franchises are a common business type in today’s society; they are beneficial due to the fact that they spread a brand’s name. As Martinez mentioned, a franchise is already established by another business; this makes it easier on the franchisees since they have background. Moreover there’s brand recognition.
When people have already been the business, they expect the same type of service from a franchise; it creates the brand’s reputation. If one franchise is doing poorly, than the company may build a bad reputation with the public; this could be a disadvantage.
Tomas has learned, through working at CREAM, on how to communicate effectively with his fellow coworkers. He believes it is important to solve issues in a respectful and effective manner in order to keep the business environment in tact; this benefits the company and its customer.
DECA has been an amazing experience for me. This is my second year and I want to compete in states. Last year I would volunteer and help out wherever I could. I cannot wait to expand my DECA story and make new friends.
A franchise is a business that already exists and functions. The difference is that a person chooses to expand the business at a different location using the same brand name. The advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about is that the business is guaranteed to succeed since many people can already recognize it and you already have the background information which can help get you started. The disadvantages are that there is a possibility of losing control of the brand and increased advertising expenses because you’re going into different markets.
By listening to what Tomas had to say about the power of relationships, I can infer that establishing a good relationship with employees is very important. It could make your franchise better or worse. Communication and cooperating with others is key to success.
At this time, I do not have a cool DECA story to share. I wasn’t very involved last year since I was new and didn’t really know much about the program. But this year I plan to compete in districts and hopefully make it to states!
1. A franchise is when you go and make your own business or store but in a contract with a already existing company and you take their name and brand. The good things about it is that you already have the recognition and the customers to support the business. Some bad things about it can be that you have to sty within the contract and that can limit you in some aspects, and another bad thing can be that if it fails it can affect the big company bringing bad reputation to it and damaging the whole structure.
2. Relationships has helped him learn more and have better experiences. If you have good relationships with the people you work with everything will feel more natural and run smoothly.
A franchise is when someone wants to open their own store of an already established and profiting company. Some advantages of having a franchise are that when people see your store, they will already know the brand, so you’ll be well known, it will be easier to start-up with a well known brand because it will generate attention from the public. Some disadvantages of having a franchise are you need to use the owner’s materials, naming, and brand, so although it is your store you are still tied to the main owner.
The power of having good relationships with his coworkers has helped Tomas by letting him help his coworkers to do a better job, as Tomas state: “I think it should be done this way or this way,” so having a more well established relationship with your coworkers can influence in the way you talk to that person about how the do their job and giving them ideas on how to make their jobs more productive.
No, I am a first year DECA student and have not gotten that cool DECA moment, but when I have that moment I would like to share it.
Franchise is opening up a store that already has a name but the buyer is expanding it to another location. The advantages of opening a franchise is that there is already a base of a corporate background that can help with different details how to get the business started. The disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that there’s a feeling of expectation to do better than the original store location and that it’s not an original idea. The power of relationships helps everyone achieve at their job in the business world. Working with your coworkers helps each other find what is good and what people should do differently when it comes to customer interaction.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? A franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company’s products.
What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship? A advantage of owning a franchise is being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and most likely a guaranteed success. A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is the lack of creativity given.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business? His relationship with his co- workers has the power to improve or worsen the business.
A franchise is a business system in which private entrepreneurs purchase the rights to open and run a location of a larger company. The advantage of owning a franchise mentioned by Tomas is that you have the opportunity to play different roles in the managerial areas that provides you good learning experiences to develop and work more efficiently.The disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that the franchisee must operate their business to the procedures and restrictions set by the franchiser, also there are chances that the franchisee can be affected by damaged brand name. The power of relationships has played a role in Tomas’s professional working style that has taught him the importance of communication between coworkers for a smooth, successful business.
Its my second year in DECA and I hope that I make to states competition this year with lots of hard work and hope!!!!
A franchise is when someone opens their own store but using the brand of an already established successful business because they are looking to expand that brand. Some of the advantage of owning a franchise is that your business is most likely going to success because is an already known brand and that you learn a lot of things as a student because you see how every section of the business works.
Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that you can be as creative as when you create your own business and that you have to follow the rules that the boss of the franchise sets.
The relationships between co-workers are crucial in the business because the productivity of the business will be slow or fast depending on how well or bad the co-workers understand each other.
A franchise is a new business started with the same materials and under the same name of an already established, successful corporation; some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about are the convenience of starting off with brand recognition as well as the ability to have some sort of guidance when opening the business.
Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that you have to abide by the original corporation’s rules and ideas, so there’s little room for a business owner to work alone.
The power of relationships plays a major role into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business seeing as the original owner of the corporation and the person trying to open up a smaller business under its name must have great communication skills to work together and ensure the success of both companies.
A franchise is an established and functioning business proven to be successful. Some advantages that Thomas Martinez of owning one is that’s you get more knowledge about what you are learning in the classroom and if you had a question that most other business wouldn’t really answer ,you would be able to ask
A franchise is an established and functioning business proven to be successful. Some advantages that Tomas Martinez talks about of owning one are that you get the answers that a company normally wouldn’t give to a student and also you know the people inside the company and how it works. A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is restrictions set up by the owner.
His relationship with his co workers can improve their business by making them work as team. They can also worsen the business with poor relationship therefore they would not work together.
This my first year at DECA .
There are many routes to entrepreneurship, like there are many competitions at DECA and FBLA. Franchising allowed CREAM to take their business from California to Florida without having to own and operate every single location. In talking with Tomas personally, I learned that the reduced management needed for the main business is offset by the profit taken by the franchisees.
Franchisees, however, can create customer relationships that a unitary corporate structure cannot. In visiting both of CREAM’s current locations in South Florida, I noticed that Tomas and his team knew many of the customers (myself included). This personalization can differentiate CREAM from other ice-cream chains, where every restaurant is impersonal.
Tomas was able to be as successful as he is based on the relationships he was able to form during the process. Tomas had to be able to have a good relationship with the owner in California. He benefited from this because by having a good relationship will the business owners in California, he was able to work with them, and open another location. Because he had a good relationship with his parents, his parents were then able to help his dream become a reality. His parents were also able to tell him about franchises, and how to manage one. Also, by having a good relationship with the customers and employees, his business was able to thrive. The relationships that you make, and how well you treat others, can greatly benefit you in the future.
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established and proven to be successful business and gets in contact with them to open that brand up with their materials in another location for an easier start up. By using the method of franchising Tomas Martinez said the advantage is having guidance from the running business for the one of your own. He also said a disadvantage of using this method is by following the pre-established business there are restrictions.
Tomas said that working at CREAM taught him what his biggest challenges are in the business world. Relationships within the business is key to having a positive environment in the workplace. The power between the relationship of you and your customers and your co-workers is most important. In Tomas’s opinion the co-worker and you relationship is harder for him because its hard to approach them when you think they could do something differently.
This is my first year in DECA so I’m still trying to find my place. Hopefully in years to come i will have a story to share.
A franchise is an already established brand or vision that’s functioning is proven to be successful. In the case of Tomas’ situation, his family found a brand, CREAM, that was established in California and brought it to the East Coast. Now, the family has several stores in Florida with more opening up. Some advantages that Martinez discusses are that there is already a “base of a corporate background” and that consumers will possibly be familiar with the product, as it has already been established. A disadvantage to taking the franchising route is that the name, brand, logo, and more are already set and this can take away the freedom from the person seeking to venture into a new business. Although his family did invest in a franchise, which does have it’s drawbacks, the business was established on the West Coast, therefore, the probability of consumers on the East Coast recognizing the product are slimmer.
Tomas speaks of relationships amongst coworkers and making sure to be careful on how to present certain information or speak to a coworker, especially when it comes to the way he or she performs a task. He elucidates his stance by giving an example or a coworker not doing something the best way and having to tell them “this would be a better way to do this” without offending or causing a relationship that is not positive. He explains that when working together in a business, all workers should be on the same page and understand each others perspectives. In the franchise business particularly, Tomas describes how it is beneficial that his parents will discuss different aspects of a business that an employer would not typically answer to a high school student and this helps in the growth of his knowledge. If the employees of a business did not work well together, it would reflect on the way the business trained its workers and the staff it hires. This is one of the many reasons it is crucial for coworkers to be respectful and understanding about all aspects of the business.
Although I have been in DECA for three years, the only cool or interesting story I have is that I placed in the Stock Market Game, which allows only the top 25 who “place” to bypass States and continue on to Internationals, which is where Tomas gave his presentation on his franchise report about CREAM. I competed with two other partners, but unfortunately, was not able to attend ICDC, but my team members went and presented our report, which included our strategy on how to achieve in the game.
A franchise is where a person who is looking to take part of a business, takes a executive position in a already established company. This where royalties, are paid to each branch of the company instead of owning the company yourself, you only own a piece of it. There are advantages and disadvantages to owning a franchise. One positive view point is that, you gain experience of what it’s like to take part in companies and use that experience to bounce off of it and maybe have a chance of creating your own company one day. One down side of being part of a franchise is the lack of creativity you could’ve used to establish your own company, where you would just take part in a existing one instead.
Tomas is very lucky that both of his parents are entrepreneurs, which gives him insight into the business world that most teens his age don’t have. This allows him to make more connections and leads to more opportunities, such as being part of CREAM now. His business connections and this DECA class has brought great opportunities which Tomas has used effectively, to create such a outstanding connection in the financial and marketing industry at such an early age.
A franchise is a business that uses the name and same products of another business which is already successful. Some advantages of using this franchise is that the business is already recognized, Tomas has someone that can guide him, and it usually involves less risks than starting your own business. Some disadvantages on taking it route to entrepreneurship are that he may have many limitations and restrictions given by the owner, and the store is still tied with the owner, which makes him dependent on the owner.
The power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned. He learned that having a good relationship with the owner is essential for the business to be more successful and relationships between workers are also essential to have a good working environment.
One cool story with DECA was last year when we went to ELS, where we had various interesting conferences and a small competition within us. Not only this, but we also had fun going to parks and local places.
A franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, such as, providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company’s products. Some advantages of owning a franchise are being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and most likely a guaranteed success, to come with an agreement and follow franchisors’ rules on how and where to operate and what to sell in the business, when you open this new business you already have a brand recognition and a corporate background that can help you get the business started, and get more knowledge on a business and that some information that other businesses maybe wouldn’t want to give Martinez, he can ask his parents and they will provide him with the information he needs to get a better understanding of the material. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route are entering into a formal agreement with your franchisor which will leave little room for creativity as the franchise agreements dictate how you run the business and being restricted as too where you may operate and the products you sell, also you have a lot of fees and royalties, affected by a damaged brand name, terms of the franchise are set by the franchiser, and the lack of creativity given.
The power of relationships play a role in franchise because you need to be able to communicate, be respectful and connect to your partners and co-workers to make the environment better and more productive, if their relationship was poor then they would not get along therefore they would not work well together and business relationships like knowing successful and wealthy people.
I personally do not have a cool DECA story to share because this is my first year in DECA. However, I do like the club and the fundraisers. I really would like to participate I one of the competitions to at least get into districts. I don’t care what place I get because I just want the experience of actually competing and making new friends.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is getting authorized to use a specific companies name and sell the same products of another business which is already successful. Some advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about is that you already have the foundation, people will be able to recognize your business witch is most likely viewed as successful. Another advantage is that you gain new knowledge and get to have new experiences that you would not find while sitting in a classroom. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that you would not have a lot of say when it comes to creativity as everything is set by the franchiser. There are limitations and there are also a lot of fees.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
The power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business is that you have to get along with your co-workers as well as your partners in order to have a good happy environment to be able to have the business running smoothly. If the environment was not smooth, the business would not work out nor will it do well. You have to be able to know how to communicate with other people.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers?
As it is my first year in DECA, I do not have a cool story to share but I would love to have one in the future. I believe I will learn a lot and have great experiences.
A franchise is a authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities. Their are advantages and disadvantages to everything. One of the advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about is their is already a base or what Martinez called a corporate background. Some disadvantages would be you are limited to somethings that you might want to be able in control of.
Power of Relationships play a role in a franchise because you want to get along with your co- workers and know how to approach your co-workers to help them make the working process faster, cleaner, and more effective to the business/franchise.
I am a freshman, so this is my first year of DECA. By the end of my high school career I hope to participate in at least one competition and make farther in the competition like districts. Their are limitless opportunities in DECA.
A franchise is where an already established, proven-to-be-successful business gets in contact and opens their own store, but with materials and the naming and the brand. So, you’re opening your own business for the first time, but you already have that brand recognition. People are going to be able to at least have a little bit of an idea of who you are as a company. It’s just easier to start up when you have that base of a corporate background that can help you with many different details of how to get the business started.
Thomas’ relation ship with his parents has affected his business greatly. It has had a huge role on him because of his parents relation ship with the shop owners, being in contact with CREAM. Also his relationship with coworkers had kept the business in a happy, well environment.
Since I am a freshman, this is my first year in DECA and I have not been able to participate in many of the events, therefore I do not have any particular stories but I hope for some to come.
A franchise is a business that has a brand name that many customers can recognize that a business owner may buy a store of.This gives the business more consumers as they do not have to reach out to new customers, just to attract those who already use the store or restaurant. Some advantages would be that many already know the brand, and could enjoy that brand. Some disadvantages would be that it does not allow the franchise store owner much choice in deciding on how to do things, as normally the business that is being used for the brand name has a specific way of doing things, and does not want that to be changed. Relationships are important in business as having a healthy relationship with ones coworkers can allow for a more smooth working experiencing, and may even increase the profit of the business. Relationships are very important, even with one’s own customers. DECA has given me a lot of knowledge on not only how to be an entrepreneur, but also how to make it on my own once I am out in the real world. This finance course has taught me more about what it means to create a budget, and how to invest my earning once i have enough money to invest.
A franchise is getting authorized to use a specific companies name and sell the same products of another business which is already successful. By using the method of franchising the advantage is having guidance from the running business for the one of your own. He also said a disadvantage of using this method is by following the already established business there are restrictions. Some disadvantages on taking it route to entrepreneurship are that he may have many limitations and restrictions given by the owner, and the store is still tied with the owner, which makes him dependent on the owner. The power of relationships plays a role into what Tomas has learned so far in the franchise business because he explains how he finds it harder to communicate with his co-workers than with customers. If you have bad relationships with customers the it could affect whether or not they come back to your business. If you have a good relationship with your co-workers it will make you and your co-worker work harder and better and in the end benefiting the company.
When discussing the benefits of a franchise we must define what a franchise is first. One of the benefits of a franchise, or a business that that uses the name,logo, and trading systems of an already successful company, is that there is an already established concept, thus making it easier to properly manage the business. However, one disadvantage is a lack of freedom since the business concept is already established. In addition to a good business plan, entreprenuers must have a strong drive and dedication. This drive and dedication mostly derives from family, which helps entreprenuers succeed more since they have support and a sense of cohesion from their peers. This is the power of relationships on business. As Thomas shared, I am also involved in the competition aspect with DECA since last year my partners and I wrote a 30-page international business plan manual on a business named Secret Cinema, our team won second place in the state of Florida and we even went to Internationals in Anaheim, California! It was an amazing experience and I learned how big the DECA chapter is.
A franchise is an authorized business to use the company name and sell the same chain of services or products from another business that are successful. Tomas Martinez talks about some of the advantages of owning a franchise, he said that you don’t need to create the brand or make people know your name. Since you use the business name, people will be able to identify the success of the company. Tomas also said that the opportunity gives knowledge that can’t be reached without trying outside of the classroom. Like every business, the franchise also has some disadvantages, such as the limit of creativity, high fees, and other limitations.
The relationships relate to what Tomas learned in the franchise business, he learned that you must have a great relationship with the co-workers and your partners to have a peaceful and happy work-environmental. Otherwise, the business wouldn’t do well.
DECA helped me in many ways, I moved about 10 months ago from Brazil to U.S and DECA provided important things that I carry every day, such as friends, leadership positions, trips, help in fundraising, etc. The organization is very recommended to young entrepreneurs that want to learn about different business types and receive tips from professionals.
A franchise is a business one considers investing in. This business must usually be:
• One that is established
• Has been successful in the past
Some advantages of owning a franchise include but are not limited to:
• “brand recognition”
• Materials already available at your disposal
• A pool of previous customers
• “Corporate background”
The power of relationships has taught Tomas
• How to work alongside employees
• The ability to learn about obscure aspects of the business
• The chance to play an active role in the family business
I am still relatively new to DECA, so although I do not, as of now, have any cool stories to share, I plan to be involved and participate in interesting DECA-related events in the near future.
A franchise is a business that uses the same brand, logo, and business structure as an already existing and successful business. Some advantages to owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez mentioned are that the brand one wants to open already has been established. This can bring in customers that have heard or have been to previous stores, many of the nuances of starting a business have been created, so it would be less work than opening up an entirely new business. Tomas has mentioned that there have been some downsides to owning a franchise, such as having to correct other employees if he/she is not doing the job correctly. This can be difficult because one does not want to seem too assertive, but still wants the job to be done correctly.
Business relationships have played a large role in the success of Tomas’s idea, and it has taught him a lot about today’s business world. For example, Tomas says that he has learned how to relate with customers and is in the process of learning how to relate with his own employees. CREAM could not have opened if it was not for relationships, as his parents got in contact with the owners of CREAM and then took the idea down to Florida.
Currently I am in my 2nd year at DECA. I have had the opportunity to learn much about the business world, without DECA I could not have learned these things. For 2 years I have been a leader of the classroom, and have taken 3 DECA inspired classes. The aspects of DECA such as competition, travel, and, leadership and leadership opportunities have really developed my character to be more professional as well as better informed. I am looking forward to more years of abundant opportunities thanks to the people at DECA!
A franchise is a business that uses the same logo, name, and business transaction methods as another already successful business. Some advantages of having a franchise is that since it is a business that already exists and is successful, a success for the franchise is almost guaranteed and people already know the brand so it will help even more to make the business successful. Some disadvantages of making a franchise as a route to entrepreneurship is that the franchisee is not really creating a business, he is copying from a successful one and also he may not experience the experience of having his business fail several times.
The power of relationship that Tomas gained from CREAM is how to communicate effectively to coworkers and how to tell them how to do things.
A franchise is a business that uses the same logo, name, and business transaction methods as another already successful business.Some advantages to owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez mentioned are that the brand one wants to open already has been established.this can bring in customers that have heard or have been to previous stores, many of the nuances of starting a business have been created, so it would be less work than opening up an entirely new business. Although the franchise also has some disadvantages, such as the limit of creativity, high fees, and other limitations. Thomas’ relation ship with his parents has affected his business greatly. It has had a huge role on him because of his parents relation ship with the shop owners, being in contact with CREAM. Also his relationship with coworkers had kept the business in a happy, well environment.
With franchising the franchisee opens up a store based on the original business, and they use the same logo and materials as the original business. With becoming a franchisee you make an agreement with the franchiser, and with this he/her may have specific rules on how to run the business which limits their creativity. They also have to set the price depending on how the franchiser wants it to be. With relationships through the business, the business can go farther and beyond than just a business, but become a giant family and or further on. With this the business can become more efficient and a friendly place to be, while if they didn’t build this relationship they may lose costumes and this means money is going out the door.
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established business. Some advantages of owning a franchise are that the business is already recognized and has come into contact with their customers. The brand identity is familiar to the customers which are essential in bringing in more profit because of the recognition of the company. Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that there is a formal agreement made with the franchisor that limits the amount of control because the agreement dictates how one runs the business. Thus, there will be restrictions on how one will operate the business. The power of relationships plays into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business because it helps run the operation more smoothly. I currently do not have interesting DECA stories but by the end of this year, I will!
A franchise is when someone opens already established business that’s been successful. That person gets in touch with the business and opens their own store with business’ branding and materials. The advantage to a franchise is that although someone is opening a business for the first time, you already have a brand recognition which gives people a better view of what to expect of that company. Since the business was originally opened in a separate location, many people will already know about the company’s reputation. This can be a significant advantage to a new business. Tomas Martinez also talked about how owning a franchise helped him develop a deeper understanding of the company since he was able to ask his parents questions that most other companies wouldn’t answer. Another advantage is that it’s easier to start up a business when owning a franchise since that original business already has a plan laid out for the new business owner. A disadvantage of owning a franchise is that it limits one’s ability to be creative or make changes in their business because the franchiser already has a plan made and rules for the you to follow. There isn’t much room for creativity. Relationships play an important role into what Tomas has learned so far in the franchise business. He’s learned that in order for a business to be productive and run efficiently you need to have a good relationship with your co-workers. Its really hard to have a business run cohesively or manage a business when there’s no effective communication between employees. Tomas found this rather difficult. He found that employees performed tasks a certain way that he felt could have been improved. He wouldn’t know how to express his thoughts to his coworkers. This can hurt the business. Employees need to be able to communicate with their coworkers so that the business can be run the best that it possibly can.
I’ve been in DECA for three years now, and its given me the best experience and amazing opportunities. I volunteered after school to help with the chapter projects and was a DLC. I learned how to get out of my comfort zone and make connections with a lot of people. My goal this year is to hopefully make it to State level of competition.
A franchise is a business company in which already has their band and store setup in various locations, this is the reason why Tomas takes advantage of CREAM being a franchise because customers have probably already been exposed to the brand, which helps customers have previous knowledge on the company. As well CREAM being a franchise helped Tomas a lot in the advertising aspect due to reason of exposure of the brand to previous customers, this eases his goal to just expand the exposure. CREAM already has a product (in this case the ice cream sandwiches) so this helps a lot in having a product in which they already know is successful and will continue to succeed. Materials are already provided for Tomas so in which creating the business location and product to advertise and comers to the market. The only disadvantage on taking the franchise route is that Tomas is not considered the CEO he will not be allowed to take all the credit for cream because his job is more to sell and provide exposure towards costumers, Tomas will not be given credit for creating the product because his job is to only sell them.
Towards Tomas’ favor he has the opportunity to include many co-workers in the business and one of the many aspects of Tomas is that he understands how to handle his coworkers and he shows a true connection when it comes to conversing about the business with them and how they can improve the business with their performance. Tomas’ family has as well been a large hep when it came to the business especially how he is still in school and its difficult for him to manage his time and his family was his support when help contact the CREAM franchise to make the business and stores come to a reality in the east coast.
I yet do not have a DECA story but hopefully by the end of the year I will. This is my first year in DECA and I truly have learn so much about DECA and its amazing opportunities that can lead to chances in have an amazing story like Tomas’.
A franchise is an alternative for someone looking to start their own business. When you buy a franchise, you are buying a business that is already known from the brand and carrying out its operations in your location. Buying a franchise means you, the franchisee, is buying the rights to the brand name, model, structure, and every part of the business from the franchisor. As a result, you are buying a turnkey business, which is where everything is laid out for the franchisee, which is a pro. The franchisee also gets brand name and brand support. A customer would probably be more inclined to go to a McDonald’s instead of a new restaurant such as “Jeb’s Hamburger’s” because they already know what to expect. Staff recruiting is also much easier when buying a franchise, for the same reason a customer might choose to go to a McDonald’s instead of “Jeb’s Hamburgers”: the expectation is already set.
However, an average person trying to buy a franchise is probably not financially capable. The upfront cost of buying a McDonald’s is in the millions, while starting your own business is much less. Also, as part of owning a franchise, the franchisee has to pay royalty, ongoing expenses separate from the initial cost, from his/her sales. Another disadvantage is defined boundaries. For example, there are at least 2 or 3 McDonald’s in Weston. If you own one of those McDonald’s, you are not only competing against other restaurants, but the other McDonald’s as well. As a franchisee, you have much less control over day-to-day operations than someone who is starting their own business, because the franchisor controls almost all aspects of its business.
Thomas Martinez said that the biggest challenge he faces is working with his other employees. However, this is key to running a good business. If someone walks in to a store, they can immediately tell whether the employees have a good relationship. It is important that the customer sees the positive relationship between the workers because that is the first step to creating a comfortable atmosphere. Having a positive relationship with your peers takes time and practice. It is a great learning experience because face-to-face conversation and collaboration is tied into every profession there is. Also, by mastering this skill, you will more likely be prepared for important interviews such as one for jobs or college.
Since it is my first year in DECA, I have not participated in any competitions. However, I definitely aim to expanding my knowledge about business with DECA and hopefully compete in the future.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?A franchise is when someone opens already established business that’s been successful. The advantage of owning this type of that type of business in Florida, is that its always hot and knowing that the product is successful. The franchise also has disadvantages like such as the limit of creativity and high fees.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?Relationship is an important part in Thomas`s franchise business because you have to get along and know your co-workers in order to have a good environment to be able to have the business running smoothly. The effect of this will make things work easily with no stress, making the workers, and costumers happy.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers? I am currently in my first Deca year, but so far I am loving it and expecting to join Deca all three years I have left. Deca is a great opportunity to meet new people, and it teaches you thing that are useful in life, that you are not taught in other classes.
1) A franchise business is using an already successful business’s ideas and plan to start your own and to hope to be as successful following through their business. Some advantages are not having to worry about how to exactly start up this business. A franchise takes the ideas of the successful business to remake it. Another advantage would be keeping contact with that business and they can help you through the business plans and any questions the new owner may have. Although, this can also have the disadvantage of maybe just not being as successful as the first and original business. You never know what exactly will come from it but it is nice to have that base and a start up when opening a business.
2) Connections is a huge thing for the business world, networking is just one of the main key points of a business. This comes into play when Tomas can now talk to the original owners of cream in California and also many people around the world from the DECA competitions. Now DECA and the California business are helping him and his family improve and build his business.
3) I am a member of DECA but only a second year member. Last year I did start competing and I can say from experience once you’re chosen from top 24 in districts even if you don’t make top 12 for states it truly changes your point of view of what DECA really is. It really can provide so many opportunities and I look forward to working towards those opportunities this year.
A franchise is taking an already established, successful business and expanding it past its original opening. Tomas Martinez says that owning a franchise has advantages which include opening a business with a foundation of security in success due to the brand name it carries. The possible disadvantages to taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is 1) having the brand name on your business restricts the entrepreneur from being able to do things that they believe in that differ from the brands idea. This limits the creativity. 2) Carrying the brand name could not only help the businesses fame in a good way but also in a bad way. If the corporation is going through scandals or bad moments, this effects each franchise’s individual success.
The power of relationships has played into what Thomas has learned thus far in the franchise business because how smoothly and successfully a business runs is greatly reliant on its employees communication and flow.
My older sister was a part of DECA during her years in high school. She competed each year and went as far as internationals. So, last year when I joined DECA, I mainly did it because she had. Yet, when my partner and I tested in districts and went to states, the amazing experiences and friends that I made, passed her same passion for DECA to me. Now, my partner and I have decided to put more into DECA in hopes to go further into competition.
A franchise is when someone purchases the rights to open and operate a location of a larger company. Tomas mentions that starting with an already established brand can attract more customers. It may be a disadvantage to own a franchise because the ownership of the company and how many stores you can open are limited.
Tomas has learned the relationship formed between co-workers in every position and how fundamental it is for the operations of a business.
Currently this is my 3rd year in DECA, I have had so many amazing experiences and learn new lessons all the time. Through DECA I’ve been also been able to go to California, New York, Orlando, and many other places. In these trips I’ve been able to tour businesses and make connections with amazing individuals. I am currently serving as the FL DECA EVP and cannot wait to see where else DECA can take me!
A franchise is a type of business that is owned and operated by individuals (franchisees) but that is branded and overseen by a much larger – usually national or multinational – company (the franchisor). Opening a franchise can be considered easier than opening any kind of other business because it already is a recognizable brand to customers. Brand awareness has been established; therefore, more customers are familiar with the business and it is not so much of a hard task to create customer loyalty.
However, the establishment of a franchise can also have some disadvantages. Starting with the fact that buying a franchise means entering into a formal agreement with the franchisor, following all the policies and regulations of the former business. Also, these franchise agreements dictate how you run the business, so there may be little room for creativity. One of the biggest risks of running a franchise is that bad performances by other franchisees may affect your franchise’s reputation.
Tomas has learned that having good relationships between all the groups involved within the business is essential to its success. This including all the workers and managers within the entity.
This is my third year in DECA and I was able to compete in internationals last year. It was a very knowledgeable and exciting experience as I was able to travel to California and learn through the manual I wrote with my partner.
A franchise is like a company that an individual or a group of people are creating, some of the pluses that i heard Tomas Martinez say are that opening a franchise is much more easier than opening a other kind, also you have the advantage that maybe other people are already familiar with the product so they know what they are getting into and tell other people, but of course with advantages always come disadvantages, and one of the disadvantages of taking the risky way of turning the franchise into entrepreneurship would be that when you open a franchise you have to make an agreement with the original buisness owner, and to get out of that contract it will be rough.
I’m pretty sure Tomas have learned a lot about the relationships in the franchise business, having a good relationship with your family, the business owner, employees, co-workers, everyone near the local, the customer will always be the key to a franchise success, and i think we can all learn from that!
This is my first year in DECA, and it started out pretty good, a cool story would be when i got a special mention in this website i was shocked, amazed, and proud of myself and i’m pretty sure my teacher was so too, i’m just waiting for something big like that happens again! fingers crossed.
A Franchise is a business that has already been established. Franchises usually allow companies to expand their business to various locations by creating new stores. Tomas Martinez mentions that franchises provide owners with a supporting fan base because of the familiar name or logo. The base group of supporters will help new owners establish their specific business within the company. Franchises however, also have some disadvantages. One example of a disadvantage is the lack of flexibility. New owners must follow certain orders and guidelines given by the company’s founder. They are not able to make changes with some of the company’s iconic aspects such as the logo, slogan, and brand name. Similarly, if the company owner decides to suddenly change the logo for example then every business under the franchise must follow and apply the change; even if they do not agree with it.
One of the main factors to having a productive and successful business is to have a strong and healthy relationship with your coworkers. People must be able to show a friendly attitude when working with others. This will create a positive working environment and possibly improve productivity. Tomas has learned to act kindly to his coworkers and approach them in a reasonable manner. The relationship he has built with his coworkers has made the business operate smoothly.
Unfortunately, I currently do not have an interesting DECA story worth sharing. Later this school year however, I plan to change that and create my DECA story.
A franchise is when someone looks for an established business and you make the same kind of business somewhere else. Advantages of Tomas Martinez owning one franchise are it’s already established, you know it is already successful, and you get a unique experience, and you get a great learning experience. Disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are you must follow a set of guidelines, and you are affected by the brand name.
You need people because they are the customers, with customers there is no way to sell your product and make profit. Thomas learns that you get business when people buy your products and they are the heart and soul behind business.
Someone may open a franchise when seeking out a business model that has proven successful in the past. The original business then gives the franchisee necessary materials and guidelines to run the business. Tomas discusses one of the main advantages of owning a franchise, which is that you have a known brand name. This facilitates the process of promotion, as people already know some information about the business or have heard about it before. The overall concept of having a proven business model is another attractive feature of franchises. Franchises usually limit creativity. You usually can’t implement new, unique strategies since there is so much control from the parent company.
Tomas’s ability to communicate with his parents and coworkers allows him to gain a wider perspective on the business. Leveraging relationships can open you up to different perspectives and ways of doing things, and in turn, making you a better manager.
I actually met a good friend of mine at DECA states during my freshman year. We met in between competition and really got along. Had it not been for this trip, I would’ve probably never me him and a whole lot of other people. You never know how your network can help you not only career wise, but also personally. A good thing to keep in mind is that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
A franchise like Tupi’s business, Cream, comes with many advantages such as acquiring the businesses brand, knowingly that the name of the brand will most likely succeed. Other advantages that come with a franchise is the marketing and advertising that comes with it. A disadvantage to owning a franchise could result in having to invest in more than just one franchise location to keep oneself financially stable, as Tupi stated his parents had already been settled down, but decided to take this investment. According to the interview, Tupi has learned that the most important thing in a business in his aspect is the relationship between co-workers and allows the business to function at its maximum potential. Also, good relationships cause good communication which was a big reason as to why Cream was opened in Florida since Tupi and his brother had a good relationship and communication with their parents. I don;t have a rather unique DECA story, it’s been pretty average so far.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? When I think of a franchise I think of a business chain like what Thomas has. An advantage is that if the business is successful it will gather more than stable earnings. What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
It can be risky as not every franchise is successful.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
He said when being a manager you need to have a relationship with coworkers to help unite the people working.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers? No
A franchise is when someone attempts to find a business that is already established, and has the potential to be successful. Some advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about include the immense amount of learning opportunities. In the interview, Martinez spoke about how the learning opportunities were unique; since we was learning various aspects of business without being in a classroom. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship include how the franchisee is told to operate their business using only the procedures and restrictions who were set by the franchisor. Another disadvantage includes the on-going royalties and advertising fees, which could be difficult to balance, pay for, and manage.
The power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business is how impactful the power really is. Through the workers of the business, there must be easy and open communication. This would definitely be helpful, since running businesses could result in problems. Another impact of the power of relationships could be the trust that must be shared between the workers. Lastly, connecting with the partners in the business and co-workers could create a well-established and optimistic environment. These aspects truly show that people are the heart and soul behind businesses.
I do have a cool DECA story that I want to share with KWHS readers. My explanation is not as impactful as Martinez’s; however, I could say that DECA has opened many doors of opportunities for me. I’ve learned many different aspects of how businesses work through Entrepreneurship class, and I am currently learning crucial skills I must have, in terms of finance, once I graduate from high school and beyond. Last year in my DECA class, I wrote a business plan just like Martinez. Though I was not able to get as far into the competition as Martinez had, competing in Districts was a great learning experience. When I competed last year, I learned that hard work and dedication could get myself in a place where I did not think was possible. It was my first year in DECA, and it made me realize that I competed in Districts for my business plan, and it was only my first year.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is an authorization given by a government or company to someone that allows he or she to act on certain activities for a company’s product. Some advantages of owning a franchise are expansion of opportunities, minimized growth risk, and easy expansion capitol. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship include formal agreements with franchiser, operating restrictions, and an ongoing share of profit.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
The power of relationships spark new ideas and opportunities. The idea of learning more about Cream was first sparked in the Martinez family when they saw the store in California. The family’s contact with Cream led them to learn of its location in Florida and possible opportunities. Their relationship led to a project which then became a new store front. Now, relationships help the business proper and help people learn.
A franchise is the ability for a certain business to have the authorization to develop a chain that will allow other individuals to start up the same business with the same materials and recognition of the brand in other places. The advantages of owning a franchise includes that the individual who wants to start up with the business will not have to do as much work as it would be to start a whole new business, due to the fact that the brand which is the most important element already has background and some individuals may know what it is. On the other hand, disadvantages may include that franchises have certain conditions that does not allow them to bring in changes to the business or anything that may portray a different image than the original business. Moreover, another risk for the investors of a franchise may be that even though that business demonstrated to be successful in an specific area, it does not secure the stability and how successful it may be in the area where you are opening a store. Meaning, a large portion of the money must go to advertisement.
The power of relationships within the business plays a critical role because as Thomas described it , it is one of the biggest challenges to confront and be successful in when approaching a coworker to give them an idea of how they can do things better and in a more efficient manner. Likewise, one of the most difficult factors other than advertisement is the social aspect between workers and the customers as communication is key.
At the moment, I don’t consider myself to have a cool DECA story.
What Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business relates to the power of relationships because the type of relationship that he has with his coworkers could determine the success of their business. If they work well together, then they are more productive and get more done. The overall atmosphere of their workplace would be better. If they didn’t get along well, then their time spent working could be fruitless and not as much would get done. They would most likely be getting in each other’s way or trying to avoid the other. When they have a good relationship, they work together to get things done faster and more efficiently.
Also, when you have connections in the business world, that can be beneficial to you. You may find someone who is willing to sponsor your business or to help promote it. The relationships that you make with others can be advantageous to you and your business, especially if you are new and small.
A franchise has advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that a franchise goes into business with a background because they are known somewhere else. Another advantage is that they have corporate help from the company that started it for all the products. A disadvantage is that they are starting a business in a new place and it is a risk taking in that people in Florida might not like it as much as in California.
The workers are the business because interaction between the individual workers and the customers is what keeps a business running many times. Tomas has learned that and addressed that trying to suggest another worker is doing something wrong is the toughest aspect of business.
A franchise is where you find a successful company, then you speak with the heads, and find a place where you can put it. You essentially own it but you have to follow the brand and its products. The advantage of owning a franchise like Cream is that it already is very successful business. The disadvantages of taking the franchise route in entrepreneurship is that you aren’t starting your own company with your own idea. The power of relationships are important in Tomas’s case because you need to know how to approach your co-workers without them thinking your telling them what to do.
A franchise is a established proving to be a successful business that you expand it opining other stores with the brand of it and with the materials. Some advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about are that since the business is already established it has more potential to be successful, because people already know the name of the brand. Some disadvantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about are that it could result in having to invest in more than just one franchise location to keep it oneself financially stable, another disadvantage is that you can not be creative or do unique things without the company’s consent.
The power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business is really impactful. When working with other employees, Tomas Martinez don’t find the customer interaction that difficult, but when you see another employee doing something that maybe you think could be done a different way, and he tries to approach to them and tell them how to improve.
I don’t have any cool DECA story since its my first year in DECA. But I have learned so much in my DECA classes by doing a fundraising or projects or assignments.
A franchise is a business system where private entrepreneurs can purchase rights to open and run another location of a larger company. Advantages of a franchise is that since they have the rights to open and run another location, people have at least a bit of an idea of what the place will be about and it’s easier to start a franchise when you have this basic knowledge of a corporate background. One disadvantage, however, is the lack of creativity, in which you can’t help with changing the logos, slogans, or other things related to this business. Power can play a big role in businesses because the people you work for in businesses can either be good or bad and you will need to learn how to deal with certain people while working in the business industry.
This is my first and only year of DECA that I will be in because I am a senior. It’s been pretty good and fun so far, learning about finance and how money is made. Having a DECA teacher as my study hall teacher last year inspired me to take this class. I do look forward to all those events and stuff happening later on in this club.
A franchise is when you expand a successfull business to other locations under the same brand, style, and menu. One of the big advantages of franchising instead of creating your own business is that you already have an established and sucessful brand to start with, but on the other side, one disadvantage is that you are fully dependent on that brand, and if something bad happens with the brand, you will be affected.
Thomas has learned that a very important part of working is the relationship between you and your co-workers, and effective communication.
Sadly I do not have a cool deca story to share, this is my first year in deca, but there are 3 more to come!
A franchise is an already made business that is started in a different location or place as a branch of the business. Some advantages of being part of a franchise is that you get to be an entrepreneur, you have a massive learning experience, and its easier because its a recognized business. Some disadvantages are that it is risky because you might end up having invest in more than one franchise to be stable and to keep going and that as a teen, when the franchise is opening, you can’t always be focused on that only because it takes time to start and it takes hard work. Good relationships with people are very important because if you are opening a franchise where you know a lot of people, it will be easier to succeed because you will have so many contacts to help you spread around the word. They also help you by getting second opinions from many people you know and trust. Good relationships, like the one Tomas and his parents have, helped him because his parents gave him advice and also helped him in the starting process of the franchise. It also helped them by having a relationship and keeping in contact with the owner of the original CREAM business. This is my first year in DECA. SO far, I don’t have a big DECA story but I hope to continue it.
A franchise in a operating business. Tomas Martinez says that advantages to owning a franchise are that there is much for him to learn. He says that you can learn from different positions in your franchise. He says that you should put your self in a managing role. Another advantage he says is that there is a good amount of independence. He says that franchises offer tons of support whenever you need it in training, financing, etc… A disadvantage that Tomas talks about are the royalties and advertising fees. Another disadvantage he talking about is that the rules are set by the franchiser.
A franchise is a business that is already operated by a company and people can buy stores from that franchise and own there stores under the brand name. You get the brand recognition and already have an idea of what the business is and how it runs. Some disadvantages could be that the franchisee must pay a percentage of their sales to the parent company, the franchisee must follow all company standards and must receive permission to do anything different.
Knowing a lot of people can be good for a wide range of reasons. Having a lot of connections can be good for building relationships with many other people. Someone could know someone that you never knew and that could help you and your business.
The coolest DECA story I have is placing top 25 in Districts. Although I didn’t get top 12 to move on, it has motivated me to do better this year and hopefully place higher.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is the right from a company given to a group or individual to expand the company in different locations. An advantage that Martinez discusses is that it is a lot easier to be successful because the business is already recognized from previously opened stores. A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that you can’t make any changes to the business without consent of the company owner. You must follow all of the company’s rules and standards.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Tomas has learned that positive and strong relationships are key to having a successful business. Strong relationships are imperative to make sure the business is running smoothly and all co-workers can assist in areas needed. In addition, the power of relationships can help you gain advice in areas you may not know you will need one day.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers?
When I first joined DECA, I was only planning on joining to be in the class and get my work done. When I was told I needed to test in districts, I took it reluctantly with little thought about what would happen if I did well. Fortunately, my partner and I placed in the top 12 of our districts and had the opportunity to compete at the state competition level. While competing I fell in love with DECA and plan to compete again this year.
1. An operating business in different locations. People can own the store under the brand name. Some Advantages are brand recognition,material already at your disposal, a pool of previous customers, and ” corporate background, Some disadvantages are that the franchise must operate their business to thhe restrictions of the franchisor, on going royalties and advertising fees, the franchise is affected by a damaged brand name.
2. His partners of work, co-workers, have the power to make the business better or worse IF the relationship was poor, they would not work together well, which can affect the business.
3. As being my first year in DECA I do not have any deca stories,but my wish is to have one
A franchise is a preexisting business that some people get involved in by contacting them and expanding the company. Some advantages are that since the name is already known, people can easily recognize it which gives it a better chance of success. There is also the benefit of learning all there is to know about owning an already known business. The researching and understanding of the company even before they become part of it must be very interesting. Some downsides are since you are just one part of a whole company, you would not have much say in how it is run. Your creativity or ideas would have to be told to someone else and they would have the right to turn them down.
A franchise is when a company or the government gives someone permission to run a shop with their name. An advantage is brand recognition. A disadvantage is that you don’t have much control.
Tomas’s parents help him a lot with his business and other things.
I do not have a cool DECA story.
A franchise is a business location that sells something commercially such as food, clothing or other goods. Some advantages of owning a franchise include the brand recognition of the business one owns a franchise in and the corporate support from the parent company. This kind of route may limit one’s ability to grow as an entrepreneur though because they would have to buy another franchise manually rather than selling a franchise to someone like if it was an original store you own.
Relationships are very important in business. Without his relationships with people like his brother, who did a project on Cream for DECA, or with the owner of Cream Tomas may never have been able to start a franchise of his own.
I just started DECA this year so I sadly don’t have a DECA story to share.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is an established business or brand that someone wants to open their own market of. Some of the advantages of a franchise is that you are in control of everything and you can make your own choices. Also, you don’t have to come up with a new opening as you use the same of everything as the previous owner has used to start the franchise. Some of the disadvantages are that you have to pay for everything now and have to take full responsibility of what was started. You also are not able to change much and if you invest in something like Martinez did you take risk of losing all if any investments.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Relationships are so important in businesses because what you show other people is what they follow. If I work hard everyday people will be motivated but if I am texting all day people will think not being productive is allowed or an option. Also, if you want to own something you have to show people you have the leadership skills to inspire everyone. Finally, most of all the way you learn is by listening to others and people will only want to help you if you show them your interested and have appropriate behavior.
A franchise is when a person looks to expand an already successful business, and advantages of owning a franchise are that since the brand is successful, you would get a lot of people coming in the store because of brand recognition, and it isn’t as hard to get the business up and running.
If Tomas didn’t have a good relationship with his co-workers or with the owners of cream, and with the people who were working with him, he could have failed getting the business running.
I don’t have any deca stories since it is my first year in the class.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is when someone opens a business that has already been created and is successful. So, the person that wants to opens a franchise gets in touch with the already established business and then uses the same materials and brand. Some benefits are instead of creating an entirely new business where you have no brand recognition, in a franchise you will have customers who already know what your company is and will recognize the name of the company. Tomas Martinez also states that owning one over all helps him learn more about the business world. Some disadvantages are there is no creativity to change your business, and there are limits because a franchise is taking an existing company and building one that you run; so, you can not really change it. Clearly, a franchise is basically opening up a chain in a new location, and of course there are advantages and disadvantages of opening a franchise.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
The power of relationships plays into what Tomas has learned because he has his parents, and his older brother that all worked to build this franchise. They include that his parents are Stanford graduates, and that recently they were very established in their professions. In addition, without his brother taking part in this project with DECA, making this franchise would most likely not have been created. So, without these relationships Tomas would not learn as much about business as he does now.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers? Either tell us about it in the comment section of this article or contact us at to possibly get your story published in the KWHS business journal.
Unfortunately, this is my first year in DECA and I have not taken part in any DECA competitions. I plan to hopefully take part in some cool events because it seems like a really good experience to learn and have fun. Certainly, DECA seems like a great organization, but sadly I have no DECA stories to share.
As described by Tomas, a franchise is when someone opens a business that has already been created. Specifically, one advantage of having a franchise is that the brand name is well known and already has the name recognition and corporate background. This is extremely helpful when trying to find a customer base because the company is already so well known. A disadvantage to having a franchise could be the little room for innovation and creativity. Because it is a pre-established company, there are certain standards that are expected to be followed and cannot be changed.
I believe that forming relationships is a large aspect in the business industry. Whether it be a relationship with a coworker, customer, or boss, it is always important to maintain a strong relationship with others. This plays into what Tomas has learned so far when working with customers and his fellow coworkers.
This is my third year in DECA, and I have had the amaazing opportunity to go to the international competitions the past two years. The coolest DECA story for me, would be in Nashville when I met DECA members from Spain and still keep in contact with them today.
A franchise is when someone gets in contact with someone who already has an established business and opens their own store, using the franchise owner’s materials, naming and brand. Some advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about are having the brand recognition of it and having a corporate background to help with getting the business started. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that most aspects such as the name, brand, and logo are all ready made, which leaves the owner little freedom to personalize the business. The power of relationships has played into what Tomas has learned thus far because he has learned of the importance of keeping a good relationship with coworkers, while correcting he or she on how they are performing a certain task.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is a business that is opened, but was an already established proven to be successful business. Some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about are you are owning a store with brand recognition so more people will already recognize the name of the company and is easier to start up. Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that you have little room for creativity and have to share some of the proceeds with the franchisor.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business because if you have a good relationship with your employees the business will grow. If you are harsh to your employees the workers won’t be happy and it would create a bad environment.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers? Either tell us about it in the comment section of this article or contact us at to possibly get your story published in the KWHS business journal.
This is my first year in DECA, so I do not have a cool DECA story to share, but I’m sure as time goes by I will have a lot of cool DECA stories to share because DECA is a great organization.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
1.Franchise is an already established successful business where someone will open their own store using the same brand, name and products as the franchises owner’s. Some advantages of owning a franchise are being able to manage a business that is already recognized among consumers. Some disadvantages Are that you can’t create any new content and you must follow the rules and guidelines set by the company.
2.People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Tomas has learned, through working at CREAM, on how to communicate effectively with his co workers. When communicating with co-workers, it is vital to always be respectful and polite, especially when you are trying to talk to them about something that they could improve on. In the interview he say “I think it should be done this way or this way,” so having a more well established relationship with your coworkers can influence in the way you talk to that person about how the do their job and giving them ideas on how to make their jobs more productive.” this validates the points i made above
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers? Either tell us about it in the comment section of this article or contact us at to possibly get your story published in the KWHS business journal.
3.It’s my third year in DECA and I still haven’t had a cool DECA story that is worth sharing. If I ever do I will for sure come back and update my post.
Learning about Tomas’s cream franchise experience was very interesting and it was something that caught my eye. During the interview, Thomas talks about what a franchise is and the relationships that he has with his co-workers. A franchise is basically an already established proven business that gives you the materials you need to succeed and run the business by yourself. It’s like your own store in a sense, but the brand name and reputation is already there, so it makes it easier for you to start. When Tomas talks about the relationships that he has with his co-workers, I believe that it is true, it is really important to build a good relationship with co-workers and instill trust in each other, while also correcting and helping them along the way when performing a certain task.
The advantages of owning an franchise is that you are running a business but you don’t have to start the reputation is already there. The disadvantages of running a franchise is not being able to be creative and express your thoughts on how things should be. I thinks when Thomas said that build strong bonds in a relationships with your co-workers because then you trust them and being able to communicate. I am only a freshman so I haven’t had any cool DECA sorry yet but I am sure that in later years I will.
A franchise is when you get in contact with a company that already exists and it’s kind of a known brand, and you talk to them to open a store with the same brand. The best thing of a franchise is that you won’t have to create the whole reputation until the business become successful. A big disadvantage of a franchise is if you see something that you don’t like the way the business is running you have to contact the owners of the company that let you use their brand.
In the franchise business you can see that the power of using an already known brand will make you more sales than starting a new brand. Most people that open new business know their risks, and as a franchise of big business you can see how they operate and when you open your own business you can put in work what you’ve learned.
A franchise is a business that is already having success, and that another person wants to open their own business but under this already known business name and trademark. Some advantages of owning a franchise are that you already have brand recognition, since the business is already established. Also, people will already know your business and go there immediately since they have seen it before. Some disadvantages are that the franchise will have a set of rules and regulations as to how you must run the business. Also, there are restrictions on the products and suppliers you may use.
The power of relationships is very important, especially when you are running a business. A good relationship with your co-workers will make sure that the business runs smoothly, with no problems caused by the employees. A bad relationship with your co-workers can harm your business in many ways, for example, employees might argue in front of customers and create a bad image of your business.
I am only a freshman so I do not have a cool DECA story yet, but maybe I will have one in the future.
A franchise is, in essence, establishing your own store, but rather than creating your own brand, you instead contact a already established company that is successful and negotiate the rights to their “brand” in a certain area or location. This allows for the franchisee to have a brand to base themselves off of rather than going through the arduous process of creating it. The downside of the franchise path is that there is some limitations depending on the contract between the franchisee and original owner, and extra fees attached with it.
Running a business not only means to understand the customers feeling as they are the ones who are buying your product, but also the people who serve said product, the employees. You have to be able to understand your employees in order assist them when they may be confused, or inefficient, thus increasing the potential of the business.
My Deca story starts with just being a freshman that took Accounting, not knowing at all about the existence of Deca. The biggest factor on me was the seniors that were taking the class. All four of them has a long experience in Deca, competed, and won in States and Internationals. They gave a sense of excitement to Deca, especially the competition aspect which is personally my favorite part. Meeting these people allowed me to get involved seriously involved in Deca, to the point that the following year I competed at Internationals with the Stock Market Game Competition and won 5th place. Something that I doubt would have happened if I wasn’t influenced by these people.
A franchise is when someone looks for an already established business that they want to make venture. I think an advantage of owning a franchise is to be able to manage something that is already well-known and gives them a head start for success. A disadvantage of owning a franchise is the lack of creativity put in. By taking up a franchise, you enter an agreement with the actual owner and must follow their practice.
Knowing a lot of people can be good for a wide range of reasons. Having a lot of connections can be good for building relationships with many other people. Someone could know someone that you never knew and that could help you and your business.
I use my DECA knowledge as an opportunity to impress other employers to receive internship opportunities and to show off the skills that I’ve picked up. This includes posture, handshakes, how to speak, and just the basic skills for the business world.
A Franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities. The advantages of a franchise include an already well-known and well established brand, however. One major disadavtnage is the room for creativity and self growth.
A franchise is when someone opens an already created business, this could have advantages such as the fact that the business has already proven to be successful, you are opening your own store however it already has brand recognition. It could be a little disadvantageous because of the fact that you may have to pay franchise fees and a loss of creative freedom. Relationships are really important to for a good business environment. Good relationship with both employees and customers make the process very smooth and easy. Like Tomas I’m also in DECA, I think probably my best DECA story as of now would be Ultimate power trip, it was an amazing experience to bond with other members of my chapter, explore Philadelphia, and learn new skills.
A franchise is when you search for a well-established business and you open your own store but using the business brand to expand it. Some advantages of owning a franchise are that you are going to have the brand recognition, most people will recognize your store, and you have background help of a corporate background that can help you get your business started. Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that the owner will have to operate their business to the procedures and restrictions set by the franchiser and the franchise might be affected by a damaged brand name
The power of relationships has a big impact on the business, mostly because a business is composed by more that one person, so that means everyone should work as a team, if they decide to work by their own then there would be no coordination and the business would get a bad reputation, another factor for success is effective communication, because if everyone is working as a team they need to understand each other and make good actions as a group
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A Franchise is a successful businesses where someone will open a store using the same brand, some of the advantages that Tomas Martinez talks about are being able to know what’s going on in his DECA classes and understanding stuff like that at such a young age is beneficial for the future.
Some disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that their are many risk you have to go thru to get a business started and get it to we’re it is now, also it may hold you back from letting your ideas out because the franchise is already based around something.
A franchise is a business that already established and proven to be successful that somebody else uses (name, brand, material) and helps it flourish. Some of the advantages Tomas talks about since you are opening your business for the first time, it allows you to have the brand recognition of the company already known which makes it easier to get it started. A disadvantage could be that since you partially own somebody else’s business, the franchise agreements dictate how you run the business, so there may be little room for creativity.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. The power of relationships plays into what Tomas has learned this far in the franchise business because he was able to find out how the business works because of the relationship him and his parents had. Tomas states that he was able to ask his parents questions that most other people wouldn’t answer for a high school student. This shows that had he not had the relationships with his family he would not have learned what he has learned about the franchise. Also, by knowing people it helps your business financially and it helps your franchise become more well-known.
Sadly, as a first year DECA member, I do not have a cool DECA story to share. But, I can say that from what I have learned so far, I could use it to better manage my money. I have learned how to act emotionally and economically as well, and I believe this will allow me to work in a more beneficial way. I have also learned how to sell items and make a good amount of money for the DECA fundraisers.
A franchise is a chain of companies that all use the same brand name. A large company can basically rent out its name to smaller store. This is helpful since you would not need to market yourself and there is a less of a risk involved in this.
Some of the advantages he speaks of are that he actually understands what is taught in his DECA classes and how he can learn to apply them in the real world.
The disadvantages of a franchise are that there is barely any creativity involved, all the ideas are set down as a base and known what is expected. You can’t really make the company yours if you continue on the path.
1. According to the interview and personal knowledge, a franchise is a business that already exists and someone wants to expanded by getting back as well. A big advantage is that the business is already going and is not a business with an unpredictable future and you don’t have to start it.
2. A disadvantage is that no new rules can be made, and also that you have to keep up with the other stores if they do bad you do bad as well and if they do good the same for you.
3.Relationships also have an important role because by communicating to others, there will be a greater productivity for the business.
A franchise is when a person decides to open a business that is already established and that already has a brand name. Some advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talked about is that it already has brand recognition due to the fact that is already an established business. Relationships play a role in franchise because you need to be able to communicate, be respectful and connect to your partners and co-workers to make the environment better and more productive, if their relationship was poor then they would not get along therefore they would not work well together and business relationships like knowing successful and wealthy people. Tomas speaks of relationships amongst coworkers and making sure to be careful on how to present certain information or speak to a coworker, especially when it comes to the way he or she performs a task.Tomas achieved being a successful franchisee because of the connections that he had. Tomas has learned, through working at CREAM, on how to communicate effectively with his fellow coworkers. He believes it is important to solve issues in a respectful and effective manner in order to keep the business environment in tact; this benefits the company and its customer. The power of relationships is very important, especially when you are running a business.
What is a franchise? What are some advantages and disadvantages? A franchise is when someone or a group of people are looking to open up a new business but don’t want to start from scratch. Some of the advantages are that when you start your franchise you are taking from another business essential, you get their brand name and become the same. As well when becoming a franchisee the name of the brand can give customers or seekers a better understanding or recognition of what the business is. Their are some disadvantages that follow your advantages one of them is that you are in a formal agreement to stay to the standards of that business giving you the franchisee little room to roam or change to it.
How are the people the heart and soul of company? People are the heart and soul of a business,the way you communicate or treat others has the ability to make or break a business. When dealing with customers or investors you should treat them with respect and communicate for effectiveness in the work place. Without these traits towards others they will feel not welcomed and not want to come back or support the business. This makes or breaks a company you need to communicate effectively for optimum effectiveness
I currently do not have an interesting business or DECA but I hope to in the future create some worth sharing. As a first year DECA member I haven’t really been exposed to a lot about DECA but hope to in the future so I can become a better person and help others learn about the program.
A franchise is when someone opens their own store, but using the brand of an already established business. They do this because they are looking to expand that brand. An advantage of owning a franchise is that the business is more likely to be a success because is an already known brand. Also that he learned a lot of things as a student because he could see how every section of the business works.
Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are that you can’t be as creative as when you create your own business and that you have to follow the rules that the boss of the franchise sets.
The relationships between co-workers are crucial in the business because the productivity of the business will be slow or fast depending on how well or bad the co-workers understand each other.
My deca story wold have to be when I went to New York city with deca, it was such a great experience and I learned aalotlot.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is, when someone is looking for an already established proven to be successful business, in order to expand to other places. An advantage of owning a franchise that Tomas talks about is that is that even though you are opening a business for the first time, you already have that brand recognition so people have an idea of what you are as a company. A disadvantage that he mentions is the creativity limit that they have with the business since the main branch owner has ultimate control over certain decisions.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
The power of relationship plays a big role in the franchise business because you need to be able to communicate and connect with your coworkers and customers. As Tomas mentions, the way you interact with your coworkers can help the business run smoother and more productively.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers?
As I’ve only been in DECA for a year, I’m just now starting to get the importance and opportunities DECA has to offer. Last year I wasn’t very involved with DECA so I don’t have any cool stories that I could share, but maybe at the end of the year I will be able to have something.
A franchise is an already established business. So when someone opens a franchise, they are basically opening an already established business. Some disadvantages are that you aren’t starting something that is your own idea and there are limits because a franchise is not something you can really make big differences in youself even though you are running it.
Business relationships have really helped Tomas’s idea become real. For example, Tomas said he is learning ow to relate with his customers and employees. These relationships can end up helping the business tremendously and grow new ideas.
I have not had a Deca story worth telling yet but I am sure I will by the end of the year.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about?
-A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business. An advantage of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about is that it makes it easier when starting a business because you will already have the brand and the name and the material of another known business. This would make starting your first business much easier since the brand will already be known to some people.
What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
-A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that since the franchises need to be the same throughout all the stores, the franchisor will regulate everything about the business store to make sure it is the same as the others. Another disadvantage to owning a franchise includes having to pay certain fees (advertising fees, royalties, etc..) and not being able to keep as much profit as you might want.
A franchise is an established business giving permission to others to use their brand name and in return they get fees. Tomas says that the CREAM in Florida has a certified brand name and recognition which gives him an advantage over other new businesses. A con would be the lack of variety since the same stores would be globalized. Also, you will have to ask the franchisee for everything you do. I would rather have control over my business than have someone above me in authority judging my decisions.
Tomas has learned in his experience how valuable relationships are in business. Your network determined your net worth. Tomas ensures the employees are satisfied so they perform with more effort.
A franchise is when someone buys into an already authorized business. Some of the advantages of owning a franchise is that people will already know what it will be about, cause they were exposed to it before. Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are the rules set by the franchise, certain regulations won’t allow any changes to the business that may portray a different image on them. You got to follow all the rules. Another disadvantage is that this business has already been out there. The power of relationships plays into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business because it helps them run the business without problems or difficulties. As of now I do not have an interesting DECA story, but by end of the school year I will.
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business. An advantage of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about is that it makes it easier when starting a business because you will already have the brand and the name and the material of another known business. This would make starting your first business much easier since the brand will already be known to some people.
A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that since the franchises need to be the same throughout all the stores, the franchisor will regulate everything about the business store to make sure it is the same as the others. Another disadvantage to owning a franchise includes having to pay certain fees (advertising fees, royalties, etc..) and not being able to keep as much profit as you might want.
The power of relationships plays a role into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business because if there is a good and strong relationship between the employees and customers there will be more benefit. Also the business will run more efficiently with less problems that will later come down the road.
This is my second year in DECA and last year I got the amazing opportunity to compete in the state competition of CDC. Even though I did not make it into the international level of competition I have gained a lot of knowledge that will help me in the future and I hope that when I compete this year I will be able to make many more memories and have the opportunity to make internationals.
A franchise is when someone wants to expand an already established successful business.
Advantages: being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and will most likely succed since it is an already known company. Disadvantage: changes can not be made to bussiness since store owners are not the company owners and therefor creativity is limited.
Developing good relationships with people keeps the business running smoothly such as making friends and starting conversations with random people.
A franchise is a business in which the owners sell the rights to their business logo, name, and model to third party retail outlets, owned by independent, third party operators. An advantage of owning a franchise is that you don’t really have to deal with finding a creative name or how the store looks inside because that’s already decoded by the business owner. A disadvantage of owning a franchise is that there are restrictions on the things that you can do, such as the pricing and what you sell. Having a good relationship is good because it helps the owners and employers communicate with more understanding.
A franchise is when someone tries to find an already established and successful business and tries to open a new location of that business which comes with advantages like name recognition, but it has disadvantages like if the name plummets then so does all the locations shown in the recent Chipotle queso fiasco and a limit on creative decisions that owners have on the franchise.
The power of relationships help franchise owners influence corporate to further improve the stores, make sure the employees can work more efficiently, and keep a good consumer-company relationship allowing for a more profitable business.
I am only in my first year of Deca and therefore have no story of Deca to tell.
a franchise is when a company sells their stores to other people so that their company will become more known and add value to the company.
Advantages are that the company is already known which will mostly guarantee income and profit from owning a store in a franchise.
disadvantages are that there are a lot of fees tat come with a franchise which will reduce net profit of the business.
I dont have a good deca story
A franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities. One advantage that comes with being the owner of a franchise is that your business has a higher chance of doing well due to the fact that it is more widely known. While owning a franchise has its advantages, like everything in life, there are some disadvantages that come along with it. One disadvantage is that a lot of times you can’t be as creative because you have to follow the rules that the franchise owner puts in place.
Relationships are very key in the business because if the people don’t get along it is very unlikely that things will get done in an efficient manner because they don’t like working together. Which is why developing positive relationships is so important
My best deca story is not a specific event but more so the whole experience, I have learned significantly about the world of marketing and accounting and my eye has been opened to a variety of things that I would not have been exposed to if I would have chosen to not be part of deca.
A Franchise is when someone uses the name of an already stablished business and opens one in another location. Some of the advantages os opening a franchise are that the brand is already proven to be successful in the market. Also as a branch of the main franchise, the branch owner must use the franchise owner’s materials, naming, and brand name, which can be an advantage or disadvantage. Another disadvantage is that the franchise has to give part of the earnings to the company.
As Martinez mentioned, the relationship with your coworkers is the most important one in the business. It helps the business run better and makes it more productively. To avoid misunderstandigs a good relationship with them is important also, because this way the business will be able to continue working without any problems. Thanks to the relationship that Matinez has maintained is that his family has CREAM shops in Florida. Without these relationships Thomas and his family wouldn’t have been able to open the franchises in Florida.
Im a first year DECA student, so I don’t have a cool story to tell. But I plan on having one and sharing it with other DECA students.
A franchise is basically a single business that wants to expand past the local area. Businesses like McDonalds, Burger King, Best Buy, and Walmart, are all franchised businesses. Meaning that the CEO of the business grants access for a franchiser to use their name and reputation to build a new location in different areas of a country. Advantages to a franchise are usually tailored to the corporate high end. Mainly because it brings good business to the company as a whole and introduces it to different areas of the world, which means money $$$$ (cash is king). It also benefits someone like Tomas, who is learning his way around corporate franchising at such a young age. Disadvantages through franchising would be that the original founder of the company would have a lot on their shoulders. Many locations to work with and many people to trust. Look at McDonalds, two brothers just selling good food on the side of the road in a shack. Then some hackjob comes around saying “I can make you guys rich! Just give me clearance to open up your place in different areas of the country then soon to be world!” This man ended up in a way stealing McDonalds but without him, we wouldn’t have a McDonalds around just about every corner of where we go!
The power of relationships is the entire business for a store owner/manager. Without good set relationships with employees in a business, it cannot thrive and communication will become a huge issue. The best way to solve issues is through communication but if no one can get that simple task down correctly then the business will run into many issues upon issues and so forth. Just how Tomas described the situation with dealing with an employee when he thinks doing something a different way will become more efficient, he must take action and speak. If there was a good strong relationship with the employee then that conversation would go by smoothly but if the boss and employee’s relationship is nothing but a “Hi” every day then there will be issues… a lot of issues.
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business. An advantage of owning a franchise is that you have a business from that was already well established, and not one that isn’t proven yet. A disadvantage of choosing a franchise is that your not taking a risk. You may have an amazing idea, but are afraid of losing everything.
The power of relationships has helped with what Tomas has learned so far because he has learned more about business then a lot of people his age. Through DECA and his parents, he has learned how to run a business and write a successful business plan.
My DECA story is a short one. When I walked to my first class of freshman year, I was wondering how in the world I got this accounting class. I didn’t remember putting it on my schedule. Throughout the year, I learned about DECA and accounting. I found accounting really interesting, and I decided to take the rest of the courses that deal with finance. If I never took that first class, I would have never started of thinking about doing anything in finance.
1. A franchise is when a person looks into opening a already established business the the person thinks has potential to grow into a big business in which then the person has to contact the owner of the franchise and open the same store as the franchise owner. Some advantages of opening a franchise is you get more recognition than starting out a business which could give franchise owners a head start on their competition. A disadvantage of having a franchise store is that the owner of that store doesn’t have much power to change anything or find ways to improve since its not their franchise.
2. The power of relationship can really help a franchise because it helps the franchise run smooth and efficiently. The more people know each other the more people know each others positions and strengths and can use those strengths to their advantage. Relationship can also lessen conflict since people won’t argue over who does what job or if a person don’t like the way someone is doing their job since all the people in the store know each other
3. I don’t have any Decca stories yet because this is my first year.
A franchise is an already owned business that is able to be open in other locations by someone. Opening franchises come with many advantages. One advantage is that the franchise will already have recognition, so getting the name out won’t be too hard. There are disadvantages though. One disadvantage could be that there are restrictions to how creative someone could be or what changes they would like to make to their franchise opening.
The power of relationship has definitely helped Tomas develop in his franchise building. His parents were in contact with the Cream in California, which helped Tomas. That relationship helped him open a new store. Relationships are also important within the business. Employees must be working together well in order for the business to be ran perfectly.
My best DECA experience so far was probably qualifying to states. Even though I did not end up going, it still made me feel very accomplished. I am looking forward to making many new DECA memories in the future.
When Thomas talks about franchising he mentions about opening up a store that has already been established to make money, but the real downside is that it is not really your business and have to pay the owners a lot of money.
Thomas’ relationships has really carried him a long way in learning about franchising and business because he can get help from many people that he knows, and that knowledge can be extremely valuable especially for a young kid like him.
I do not yet have a DECA story as it is my first year in the club, but I love all the great advisors, council members, and DLCs helping me make connections and grow as a person, and I definitely want to become more involved!
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established and successful business. And chooses to expand that company’s ideas in another location. But under this agreement that person would be agreeing to use the company’s name, materials, and do things their way.
The power of relationship is like teamwork, with a good relationship among workers the business can smoothly and perhaps even faster rather than bad relationships among workers.
A franchise is a business that uses the name, logo and trading systems of existing successful business. Some advantages of owning a franchise is that there’s fewer chances of a new business failing because it has an established brand and product that is being used. In this business it has already been proven that people like these sandwiches and that it can succeed as a store. People are already aware of what it is and it makes it easier to get customers. Also supplies are obtained from established and quality checked suppliers, in this case the Florida shop already has a proven manufacturer in California to get its products from. Some disadvantages include a share of profits or revenue has to be paid to the franchisor each year, also local promotions have to be paid for by the franchisee. In this case, Cream had yet to be opened up in Florida so there was still some difficulty making people aware of the business and what it is.
Tomas has learned that employees being able to work with each other is a necessity. For the business to run as smoothly as possible all employees need to communicate and know what they’re doing. Tomas has also learned that employees act differently and communication between employees are very important. He’s also learned that it might be a good idea to have meetings where employees discuss the most efficient way to work and give their opinions on what each other can improve on.
I have not competed or made it as far as Tomas but I just remember being blown away by the videos of seeing people at states and/or nationals and how crazy and intense it was and how excited people were when they won.
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business and get in contact with the business so they could open up the same store somewhere else. An advantage is that it is easier to start the business because people will have an idea of who you are and you have an established business that can be successful. A disadvantage could be that you may want to change something and be more creative, but you would have to consult with the franchise owner first.
Thomas said that building a relationship with your coworkers is really important as it helps the business run smoothly and effectively. You can learn about other positions and the business. With relationships, workers can work well together and would not argue.
This is my first year in DECA, so I don’t have a DECA story to tell.
A franchise is a store that uses the name and materials, such as specific building style of an already-established company. In the interview with Tomas Martinez, he mentions that owning a franchise has advantages over simply starting a new business, with a new name. Some of these advantages include the fact that the business will already have an established name people may already know about, instead of a new name that people may not yet trust or heard of. Furthermore, by opening a business with an already-established name, a franchise, the risk of losing money on the investment is reduced, as the name, the idea and system behind the franchise have already been proven to work, or make money, reducing the risk of investing in a franchise, compared to a newly created business. However, the creation of a franchise also brings some disadvantages. By adhering to the name and brand of a franchise, a franchise owner cannot change the style, even if the owner believes these changes, such as performing a task a different way, would make more profit. Doing so would violate adherence to the franchise, perhaps leading to financial punishment from the main company.
Without people, a business simply cannot function. Therefore, ensuring optimal relationships between employees within a company, such as between managers and workers, allows for an efficient franchise to run. According to Thomas, he has so far learned that by actively participating in each role that makes up the daily operation of a Cream store, such as handling customers, preparing ice creams sandwiches, and performing logistical duties, one can understand the importance of employees having a good relationship with each other, in order ensure communications and efficiency. Therefore, without employees being able to work with each other, and managers being able to give recommendations to their employees on how to be more optimal, a business cannot run efficiently, since as problems arise, the staff of the Cream store would not be able to solve problems.
Although I am a Sophomore, the 2017-2018 school year is the first year I am part of DECA, as I am currently enrolled in Account Applications Honors. I am honored to be part of the class, and I am intrigued by how the financial world works, with its complex systems, and how accounting in general works, with its set of rules, that any accountant not just those here in Weston, must follow. Unfortunately, I have not partaken in any activity of DECA, except for the numerous quarterly fundraisers; therefore, I do not have a DECA story to share. However, I must not fret, as I plan to continue taking business courses next year, allowing me to perhaps take a leadership position, allowing to me to learn and use essential business and managerial skills, perhaps leading me to have a DECA story I can one day share.
When a person uses the name of a buisness that has already been established, and locates themself somewhwere different than the original buisness, it is considered a franchise.Starting a franchise has its advantages and disadvantages such as, it is already proven that the brand is already considered to have some type of success. A disadvantage would be that the franchise has to give a percentage of earnings to the original buisness. Other things raging from big to small could be considered advantages, disadvantages, or both, for instance a branch of a franchise will use the original business’s materials, brand name, and name.
Relationships and connections in the world of business are extremely valuable, and as Martinez says in the interview, the relationahip you develope with your coworkers is the most important. Having good, healthy relationships with coworkers sparks a smoother process for the business to run more productively. Problems are less likely to happen when coworkers can communicate without misunderstandings. Due to to the incredble relationship Martinez has been able to keep with his family, Florida has opended up multiple CREAM shops. Every branch of the franchise that the Martinezs’ started in would not have happened without the support of each other, and the good relationships they all have.
So far, my story has yet to come because I am a first year DECA student but I am excited for how my story will unfold.
A franchise is a business that has been branched out from it’s original location, and is duplicated by other business owners with consent of the original owners. So example franchises are: McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Chilis, and Starbucks. All of these businesses share the same logo, and content of their original location and founder. However they have been spread across different areas. From what Tomas Martinez talks about, some advantages of a franchise are the fact that the contents of the store, in this case CREAM, have been already established. CREAM is an ice cream sandwich business, which was duplicated in it’s franchise. Also, a customer base is already established by people knowing of the business from it’s original store. However, there are some disadvantages to taking the franchise route as an entrepreneur. This includes the fact that innovation is limited, meaning that as the owner of the franchise, you may not change many things created by the original owner. Also, you will never have the experience of starting a business from the ground up. When opening a franchise, most things are already established for you.
From Tomas’s experience as the franchisee of CREAM, the power of relationships has been very present. For example, without such well educated and motivated parents, the opening of this franchise and the hard work it took to get there would have never been possible. Also I can say first hand, as I attend the same high school as Tomas, that the connections and education made possible by the DECA advisors help tremendously in making these business plans possible. As well as the in school education of opening up a business, the actual on-the-job training of the business and seeing it first hand is extremely helpful as well. As Tomas mentioned that he works a little bit of every aspect of the business from customers to managing, it is very important for anyone involved in a business to be exposed to all aspects, making it easier to understand the process.
A personal DECA experience I have had was placing top 24 in partner district testing for finance. Although I did not make it to the state level, out of the whole experience what I learned is that DECA and it’s advisors have so many different fields and opportunities for people to go for. Being at the district award night, I got to see really how many different types of people competed for different fields. It opened my eyes to see that opportunity really does come from DECA, and as Tomas said. you should take them.
1. A franchise is when a person finds an already established business. They contact the owner and open their own store. The advantages of owning a franchise are that the business is already established, and it has a corporate background.
2. The power of relationships helped Thomas’s parents get a franchise of CREAM. They spread the company over Florida. Thomas then used this for his DECA project for his competition. He got second place. The more people involved in a business, the more the business will succeed and expand.
3. I don’t have a DECA story, but I hope I get into a competition.
1. A franchise is when a person finds an already established business.
2. Thomas used his resources to create and expand the business franchise called CREAM. It helped spread the company over to Florida. He helped gained awareness through his competitions.
3. I don’t have deca experiences
The interviewer asks Tomas to explain what a franchise is. Tomas is able to come up with a very educated answer on the spot. Tomas explains a franchise as opening an already proven to be successful business location. For example, his parents asked the Cream corporate in California if they could open locations in Florida. They own the materials and store but are still under corporate control.
Owning a franchise store comes with very many advantages. For example, the newly opened location has already brand recognition which is a good sales boost at the beginning stages of the store. Also starting up is less risky do to having corporate backup.
However, opening a franchise is not all positive, it has some weaknesses or disadvantages. For example, if the owner of a franchise locations wants to make some major changes, but corporate declines them, the owner has obey the corporate.
Good relationships in businesses are the keys to successful business. If workers or managers are not able to work with one another, the business will not run smoothy. Potential arguments within a business between workers or managers will damage the business on many different levels.
As Tomas explained in his interview, working at CREAM has taught him a lot about work relationships. He says that sometimes, you might want to do something differently that someone else, but other times it could be the other way around, you might feel like you learned something by seeing how they did it rather that doing it your way.
A franchise is a specific location for a business that is owned and operated by an individual and/or individuals, but all the products, logos, and licenses are owned by the parent company.One of the advantages of owning a franchise is that you have a business that you operate and make money from, but you have the protective backing of a large, experienced cooperation. A franchise also allows you to have more control of the business and make more decisions on your own. A disadvantage of going down the franchise route of entrepreneurship is that you may not get they experience of truly starting without anything when you lay the foundation for your business. Another disadvantage could be that the parent company makes you take your franchise in a direction you don’t want to go, but you have to because you agreed to own the franchise under their terms and conditions.
I think that running the business as a family has played an important part in what Tomas has learned about the franchise business. Since Tomas is working along side his family members, he has good relations with his fellow workers. He also can gain from advice from his fellow family members about what decisions he should make in the business. This shows Tomas that positive interaction with coworkers is key in running a franchise.
It’s a commercial relationship between two sides, by which one of them pays a certain amount of money to have the license to start a business using a brand that is already in the market. An advantage of opening a franchise is that you already have a base to start, you have a company that is already there but not known enough and that is where people start to help that company to grow and be more recognized and famous becoming a franchise. As they are advantages there are also disadvantages. One would be wanting to convert a franchise to entrepreneurship and it’s that a franchise follows too many rules that must be done exactly as they say so you have a limit of doing plans.
When talking about relationships and business there is a strong connection because for a business to do well the people involved should get long to be successful because it doesn’t take just one person to make a franchise success. If you want to make it to the top you should have people that have the same goal and want to help you , even your family could be involved because is not about who it is but who wants to see you success and make it by your side.
A franchise is when a person is looking to expand on a business that is already established. It takes that business and opens other locations and makes the business grow. TomasMrtinez talked about an advantage of owning a franschise is that the business is already established and the success side of it is already estimated meaning you can have an idea of the amount of success that franchise will have. A disadvantage of owning a franchise is that there is basically no creativity coming from the owner of that franchise. The company is already created and set and so is its idea, so it’s not like the owner of that franchise is inventing anything.
The franchise business has much to do with relationships. As Tomas explained, the whole aspect of the workers and managers plays a huge rule in how a business functions. By putting himself in that position, he has learned how the power of relationships is what makes the business really flow.
I don’t believe I have a cool DECA story but I’d love to experience more events that have to do with DECA in order to capture those moments and develop those cool stories.
A franchise is when someone finds an established business, and contact the owner of the business to open up their own store. An advantage of owning a franchise is that the company is already made, and has a background. A disadvantage of owning a franchise is that you can;t make any modification with financials and store details yourself.
The power of relationships helped Tomas and his family to start opening CREAM shops in Florida, he then used this information for his DECA competition at schools which got him winning second place in internationals.
I just started DECA this year so I don’t have much of a story, but I hope I can get into competition
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is a new business which utilizes the name and intellectual property of a preexisting, successful corporation. Some of the advantages of owning a franchise that Tomas Martinez talks about include the ability to begin with a certain level of brand recognition and the availability of proper guidance. Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are the inability to maintain major control over rules and ideas and business owners are unable to work alone.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
The power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business as only through communication with the original owner of the CREAM franchise in order to further expand and create successful franchises in Florida and ensure its success.
A franchise is a type of business that uses the name, logo and trading systems of an existing successful business.The Martinez family saw the opportunity of bringing CREAM, an established business from California to Weston, FL.
An advantages of this decision is that, since it is an already existing business, it is safer to invest because you don’t have to start everything from the beginning; you just have to base the management of the store on what is already being done by the franchiser. Some disadvantages that the franchisee owner may face are the restrictions set by the franchiser, for on-going royalties, advertising fees and possibly being affected by an issue that another franchisee or even the franchiser had.
As Thomaz said, it is essential to have a good relationship with your co-workers. If two employees cannot work together, that is a big issue for the business. Also, it is extremely important to make connections with successful business people since they can be potential investors.
A franchise is taking a business that has already been established and proven to be successful and wanting to open your own store. The store would open but with the materials and name brand of the franchise owner. Franchises are also sometimes know as a “chain,” because they can be open in so many different locations, as Cream is. Disadvantages could be that a successful business may be successful in one area, but not in another since customer demand is different everywhere.
As Tomas said, its important to have a good relationship with employees and co-workers. how can a business run successfully if there isn’t good communication between staff? It would be chaotic. A good relationship is also essential between customers. Customer service is vital. If communication skills aren’t good, it’s possible that customers won’t return, and it can ruin a business
A franchise is when someone opens their own store with an established business that people recognize. The advantages that Thomas Martinez talks about is that people already will recognize the brand, so you will already have customers. Another advantage is the support from corporate that can give you the base of the business, and give you supplies.
Some disadvantages from being part of a franchise could be the lack of room for creativity. The franchise basically tells you how to run the business in the agreement, so you can not change much. Another disadvantage is other owners of the franchise may do a terrible job, so they will avoid your business because of their experience at another store that was not yours.
2. The power of relationships plays a large role into what Thomas has learned thus far in the franchise business. To run a business properly, there needs to be good communication between all the employees. Because Thomas has done all the jobs there is to do when he works at Cream, he is learning the relationships between the employee’s and the importance of them. The power of relationships is also evident from his parents. Without Thomas having a strong relationship with them, they would have never bought a Cream store because the kids wanted to run one. His parents also made him more motivated to run a business, so their support and influence, they have made Thomas a successful worker.
3. I currently do not have a cool DECA story yet, as it is only my second year. I am hoping that when competition time comes this year, my cool DECA story will be made.
A franchise is a business that you can expand into multiple locations. It works somewhat like a pyramid, where if one business succeeds, the others will too. Owning a franchise has multiple pros and cons. You can establish a business without having to set everything up and not knowing what to buy. Generally, you won’t have to go through the process of starting up. But, you will be restricted on what you should do under the owner of the business. There will be tight rules on how you have to operate the business and equity costs. Also, if there is another franchise location in the same area, you will probably not be able to compete with them since you aren’t able to do anything special to earn more than the new location.
While Tomas Martinez was starting up the CREAM franchise, he learned some important things along the way. One of these are relationships. Tomas explains how important it is to establish a strong relationship with the people you work with. He says it “will make the dynamic more effective.” Generally, the process of maintaining a good work routine by having that relationship will result in more success.
a franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities. An advantage is that it already has a name and reputation, therefore, customer loyalty can be widely seen among franchises. A disadvantage is that owning a franchise is owning someone else’s business, as the initial idea was not of the person who bought the franchise.Relationships play a huge role, as connections are a requirement if a business wants to expand; having the right connections opens doors with new opportunities. I met one of my friend at DECA and I’m really grateful.
A franchise expands a business by opening new locations and ventures. An advantage of owning a franchise is that an owner has data displaying trends in the past success of the business, creating an idea of future success rates. However, a disadvantage of taking the route of a franchise is that it lessens an entrepeneur’s authority over company rules and decisions.
Relationships are quintessential to business administration, as employees, consumers, and business owners are all connected through their jobs and services provided. Within the business, healthy and respectful relationships between members of a company ensure the smooth operation of said business. Furthermore, the relations that employees have with their customers ensure that a business retains the loyalty of consumers.
A franchise, like the one Thomas has, is when a company grants someone the ability to start a new business under their name, with their resources and help. The advantage of owning a franchise is that if you were in trouble, or needed advice, you would be able to ask for help. Another major advantage is familiarity. people are already familiar with your company so they know how good the service is, and the quality of the products. An important disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that unlike new companies, you have some important limits such as where you operate, what you sell, how you sell it, who sells it to you, and sometimes you have to get permission to buy an add or make it. A known company means it is easier to succeed, but harder to be creative.
Relationships can either make or break a franchise. A good customer employee relationship is vital of course, but the franchise can’t function if relationships between employees are bad. Thomas learned this through experience, his relations with other employees might not have been bad, but the communication was not efficient.
Being a first year DECA student, I have no cool stories, but in a few years I hope to have many.
A franchise is when you want to expand some already established and successful business.An advantage of owning a franchise is that the your chance to be successful is larger because you will be managing a business that is already recognized among consumers. A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that you won’t need creativity or some work made by your own, what won’t “promote” your potential. By taking up a franchise, you enter an agreement with the actual owner and must do everything they say, following their rules and doing things they way they want.
A franchise is a when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business. Some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship are having to work under the franchise owner’s procedures and rules. You will not be able to make the store work your way.
The power of relationships plays in what Thomas learned thus far, in the franchise business, by playing in with his relationship with co workers. This has the ability to make the business worse or improve by how the work space functions and cooperates.
A franchise is when someone looks for an established successful business that they contact to help them open their own business. An advantage Tomas Martinez talks about is how because you open a business with an already recognized brand, people already know somethings about you. A disadvantage of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is how in a franchise you have a brand that’s successful and helps you become recognized but if you go into entrepreneurship you might lose that recognition and people won’t know about you, so they can’t but your products. It takes more work to have your product recognized.
The power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned so far in the franchise business because his parents got help from being in contact with the company. His brother also had to do a project for DECA and decided it can be on CREAM and later they opened a store and now they own franchises in Florida. Then after he saw his brother competing and having lots of fun, he did it himself.
This is my first year in DECA so I don’t have any stories to share yet.
For the disadvantage it should say they can’t buy your products.*
A franchise is when you look for an established, proven-to-be-successful business. Were they get in contact with them and open their own store, but with materials and the naming and the brand.An advantage of owning a franchise is being able to manage something that is already recognized among consumers and most likely a guaranteed success. A disadvantage of owning a franchise is that there is basically no creativity coming from the owner of that franchise. By taking up a franchise, you enter an agreement with the actual owner and must do things their way.
A franchise is a business with the rights to operate with the name of an already successful business and It also follows the same guidelines of operation. Because the business name is already recognized by clients, it is easier to manage a franchise than to start up a business from scratch. On the other hand, owning a franchise comes with risks. Since a franchise is part of a chain of stores, reputation is equally shared. This means that if one of the franchises acquires a bad reputation in any aspect, the others are usually affected by it. Also in a franchise there is little room for creativity since it must follow strict business guidelines.
Keeping strong and healthy business relationships within employees and employers is important in the managing of a successful business. When there is a strong and open line of communication between coworkers a business is more likely to be successful than one with poor communication skills. As Tomas said, it is important to know how to approach a coworker when correcting him.
A franchise is a business with the rights to operate with the name of an already successful business and It also follows the same guidelines of operation. Because the business name is already recognized by clients, it is easier to manage a franchise than to start up a business from scratch. On the other hand, owning a franchise comes with risks. Since a franchise is part of a chain of stores, reputation is equally shared. This means that if one of the franchises acquires a bad reputation in any aspect, the others are usually affected by it. Also in a franchise there is little room for creativity since it must follow strict business guidelines.
Keeping strong and healthy business relationships within employees and employers is important in the managing of a successful business. When there is a strong and open line of communication between coworkers a business is more likely to be successful than one with poor communication skills. As Tomas said, it is important to know how to approach a coworker when correcting him. Networking is also very important in the starting of franchises. Knowing people can facilitate the process of setting up your own franchise.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
Answer – a franchise is an expansion of an already successful business. An advantage of opening up a franchise could be that the name of the franchise is already reputable, and the marketing process of opening up a new business has already been done, leading to much easier clientele influx. A disadvantage of opening up franchise could be dependency. When one opens up a franchise, they would have to follow the rules of a franchiser. Therefore leaving no room for creativity or something new.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Answer – Tomas believes that is completely necessary to have a fluid and smooth work environment for a business to be successful. He believes that as a manager, one must be able to adapt and relate to all employees, and see things in the work environment from there perspective which could allow for a person to be more understanding.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers?
Answer – My favorite DECA story would be my first trip to DECA States. I had an unforgettable weekend with some of my best friends, and I truly got to see how competitive the business world is. I felt that I was in my element, and that I belonged in a business environment for the rest of my life.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company’s products.
A franchise is an authorization given by the company to the individual or a group, letting them carry out specified commercial activities. One of the advantages is that since the company is already recognized by other individuals, it will be easier to open another store rather than starting from scratch. One of the disadvantages is that since the franchise is connected to other stores and they work as a chain if something bad happens it might affect other stores under the same company. Also in a franchise, there is little room creativity since it must follow strict business guidelines.
Since it is my first year in DECA, I don’t have many experiences yet, but I look forward telling you my experiences in the forward years.
A franchise is a successful licensed business that has been established and has the ability to expand. An advantage of a franchise, like the one Tomas Martinez was talking about, is that whichever business someone is expanding, the name is somewhat known and has a reputation or recognition. This helps gather more interest in the business’s products, therefore collecting business expense. Rather than building a whole new business from scratch, a franchise requires less time and energy to build. Disadvantages of a franchise to entrepreneurship include lack of variety, choices, and creativity.
Tomas relied on his parents to check up on the building process of CREAM. A healthy business requires healthy, strong, and reliable relationships between employers and employees. In the interview, Tomas stated that not only do relationships inside the business matter but also outside of the business. He says that knowing people can help give you a little more opportunity to anything and at any time.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about?
A franchise is an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities. An advantage that Tomas Martinez talks about is that when you are a franchisee you already have the reputable name of a a company and you have all the materials and all the things that you to carry out the business.
What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
One big disadvantage of being part of a franchise is that you depend solely on that franchise and if anything happens to the franchise it can affect you a lot. That dependency on a corporation can sometimes be a very big risk that people need to understand in order to become a franchisee.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Relationships are a very important part of the franchise business. When you have connections directly to the franchise it is very likely that it will benefit you more on the long run. Also if you have good connections with the local community it can also benefit the company a lot and it can make them profit.
Do you have a cool DECA story that you want to share with KWHS readers?
My first trip to states was for sure a very nice DECA story for me personally. I had a lot of fun in that one weekend of competition and at the same time i learned a lot. I also got to spend a lot of time with some of my best friends.
A franchise is when someone looks for an already established, successful business to expand. An advantage is that you get to manage something that is already recognized and mostly a guaranteed success. a disadvantage is that there is little room for creativity and you have to follow another business plan. A good relationship with clients and personnel translates into a successful business. It makes the business run smoothly.
A franchise is when a person buys the rights from an existing business to use their logo, name, and model to open up their own store. By opening a franchise business you have a foundation to get you started that includes brand recognition as well as assistance from the parent company. While having previously set up businesses practices and procedures can make it easier for an owner to open a franchise, it also limits the owner in how they are allowed to operate as well sharing a portion of profit with the parent company and suffering from another franchise’s negative performance.
Tomas being the son of the owners are working well with other employees is very beneficial because that can be an awkward situation at times but by creating relationships to help motivate employees to be better Tomas has realized that be simply being a good co-worker he can help lead the company in is own way.
My DECA story also had a lot to do with competition as well as becoming an officer in the Cypress Bay DECA chapter. My sophomore year I took marketing two and quickly became a DLC, or an in class leader. Later as I got more involved I began staying after school to volunteer and so I was promoted to assistant DLC Director. The following year I became a DLC Director and am now working with a team to help run the chapter. During last years competition, I was lucky to reach International competition in a first year only category. It brought me closer to many friends and teachers providing a once in a lifetime experience.
A franchise is when you look for a business that is already established and successful, you contact the business and open a store with their brand. Its easier to start up if people already are somewhat familiar with the product or business. On the other hand, the profit is less because you have to pay the corporation and have minimal room for creativity.
1. A franchise is when one finds a company that they are interested in and then they invest in it and try to own some of the company. CREAM has some advantages, such as, it being near people who love ice cream. A disadvantage of taking this to an entrepreneurship route is that it is hard to own so many of these places as a student. You must manage your time well.
2. The power of relationships helps increase the strength and wealth of your business. It helps the company make more income and success, and you make more friends and partnerships along the way.
3. N/A
A franchise is a business that someone can start that already has a corporate name attached to it. It is basically a business that sells the products or services of another business under that businesses name. They sell the same products, have the same store design, and try and make the experience the Same no matter what store they are in. The parent company already has the product, supply, and demand figured out for the franchisee. There are some disadvantages to this method however. Franchisee’s will never have full control of his business because you have to adhere to strict rules and regulations. Your opportunities for growth will also be hampered because the main company will take away a percentage of your profits as theirs.
Tomas has learned that team dynamics plays an important part in making a business run smoothly. If people work together well then, a business will run well but just one negative person and going to work will seem like a choir. Tomas says that he wants to go into management in business when he grows up because he sees that tying all the employees together and making them work as one well oiled team will help companies grow.
My favorite Deca story is when I went to states my sophomore year. It was an eye-opening experience for me because I met so many new and motivated people that shared the same interests as me. I still keep in touch with some of those people. One of my favorite parts of Deca states is competition because that is when I learn the most about business and I can truly apply my knowledge.
A franchise is an expansion of an already successful business. An advantage of opening up a franchise could be that the name of the franchise is already reputable, and the marketing process of opening up a new business has already been done, leading to much easier clientele influx. A disadvantage of opening up franchise could be dependency. When one opens up a franchise, they would have to follow the rules of a franchiser.
The well interaction with clients and personnel translates into a successful business, it makes the process smooth and easy.
A franchise is taking an already established, successful business and expanding it past its original opening. Tomas Martinez explains that his family owning a franchise has advantages; such as opening a business with a foundation of previous success due to it’s established brand. The possible disadvantages to taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship is that it limits the creativity that you could involve.
The power of relationships has played into what Thomas has learned thus far in the franchise business because the franchise was started by his family; making it easier to work and run, while also making it more worthwhile as it is a family endeavor.
When I signed up for a DECA class, I had no idea what I was getting into. Little did I know that the relationships that I created with my DECA advisors and experiences I would have at states competition would shape the person that I am today. I am so grateful that I lucked into discovering DECA.
A franchise is when the owners of the company gives permission to open one of their shops. An advantage would be you get brand recognition. Disadvantage you don’t have much power in the company.
Tomas’s parents taught him a lot about business and how to b e one of the best business men.
I don’t have a cool DECA story yet, but i’m hoping to start a cool one
1. What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
– Opening a franchise means taking a business that already exists (and preferably is already successful) and opening your own store with the same name, materials and ideas as that business. One of the advantages that Tomas Martinez talks about opening a franchise is that you have a head start with marketing because people already are familiar with your new store and you feel more confident and secure because you know, from the other stores that exists form that franchise, that the business is successful. Some of the disadvantages of opening a franchise are that part of the money you make does not go directly to you, but it goes to the owner of the franchise and that could be really detrimental when you are starting out because not many people know about your store so a big part of the little money that you make goes to the franchise, but of course everything needs to start somewhere and you’ll eventually reach success with time and effort.
2. People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
– The customers and the employees are what makes a business the strongest or the weakest. It is important to leave the customers satisfied, wanting more and with a feeling that they are cared for when they enter your store.The best way to do that is to be really serious about your employees treating customers with respect and just the best way they can. I personally like the way Tomas emphasizes on learning about the aspects of his business, like working with all the other employees and getting to know how they interact with the customers.
A franchise is when someone tries to look for an already established, successful business and get in contact with the business so they could open up the same store somewhere else. An advantage is that it is easier to start the business because people will recognize the business and will attract customers. A disadvantage could be that you may want to change something and be more creative, but you would have to consult with the franchise owner first.
Thomas said that building a relationship with your coworkers is really important as it helps the business run smoothly and effectively. You can learn about other positions and the business. With relationships, workers can work well together and would not argue.
I love DECA
A franchise is when a person is establishing his or her business based on an existing, successful business. Tomas Martinez mentioned that it was much easier to open his store with an already existing name, which is a great advantage of a franchise route. A disadvantage could be that fact that you are still dependent on the entrepreneur who owns the brand. Tomas Martinez has also learned that he really enjoys working with customers, but has a hard time telling employees that they could do something the other way.
Q: What is franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about. What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
Franchise is “when someone tries to look for an already established, proven-to-be-successful business” as stated by Tomas. Some of the advantages he had mentioned was that you’ll be able to have a bit of recognition and people will know what your business is about unlike a new entrepreneur starting their new business. I also agree with Tomas when he says that it”s easier to start up this way. The downside of this route is that you are dependent on the entrepreneur who owns that specific brand.
Q:People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Tomas had admitted that although he enjoys working alongside his customers, he has a hard time communicating with them. He often struggles on telling them a more efficient and effective way of doing things. I can often relate to how he feels as when I work alongside my coworkers (or classmates) I often have a hard time telling them a better way to do things for the fear of making them think they may think they are doing it wrong or that their idea is inferior to mines.
1. A franchise is when one tries to search for an already built, successful business and open their own store with the companies materials and the naming and the brand. An advantage of this is that you’re open your business in a big name, so people will recognize and the company will already start out big. You are starting out with everything you need and don’t need to spend years trying to make your name big.
2. The relationships between co-workers are vital in the business because the productivity of the business will be affected, and also how well they work together. An advantage for the CREAM in Weston, FL, is that many students from Cypress Bay work there, which is where Tomas is from, so they have great connections.
What is a franchise and what are some of the advantages of owning one that Tomas Martinez talks about? What could be some of the disadvantages of taking the franchise route to entrepreneurship?
A franchise is a already existing business in which someone sees an opportunity in which they think they can expand it. An advantage in owning a franchise is the risk of investing in that business is not as great as a new business because it is a already fully functional working business. A disadvantage is that there is little room for creativity since franchise agreements dictate how you can run the business, also another disadvantage is that a bad performance of another franchises can negatively affect your franchise’s reputation.
People are the heart and soul behind businesses. How does the power of relationships play into what Tomas has learned thus far in the franchise business?
Relationships can be important in a business because of this communicating effectively can bring problem solving solutions into the workplace, and that can cause the workplace to become an even more productive environment.
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A franchise is a successful licensed business that has been established and has the ability to expand. An advantage of a franchise, like the one Tomas Martinez was talking about, is that whichever business someone is expanding, the name is somewhat known and has a reputation or recognition. This helps gather more interest in the business’s products, therefore collecting business expense. Rather than building a whole new business from scratch, a franchise requires less time and energy to build. Disadvantages of a franchise to entrepreneurship include lack of variety, choices, and creativity.
Tomas has learned that employees being able to work with each other is a necessity. For the business to run as smoothly as possible all employees need to communicate and know what they’re doing. Tomas has also learned that employees act differently and communication between employees are very important. He’s also learned that it might be a good idea to have meetings where employees discuss the most efficient way to work and give their opinions on what each other can improve on.