Project Runway, Fashion Star, Plain Jane – reality TV shows about fashion are everywhere these days, fueling an ever-greater passion for fashion among the world’s style-conscious teens. And social media provides the platform to not just love fashion, but to also share your insights and begin building your brand as a fashionista. KWHS talks with Laura Woods, a 16-year-old from Australia who publishes Dalliance magazine and who is plotting her path to fashion-publishing greatness.

Making It Big in Fashion Publishing

Jessie Bernstein, 18, did not feel completely ready to go to college when she graduated from high school last June. She decided, instead, to defer her college acceptance and take a gap year -- a year off to explore interests and get experience doing new activities. KWHS sat down with Bernstein – literally inside a barn at the organic farm where she works – to discuss her life as a “gapper” and whether or not, so far, it has been the right choice for her.

Organic Farming, Snowboarding and Surfing in South Africa: A Gap Year to Remember