More and more students are graduating from college strapped with student loan debt that takes many years to pay off. The good news is that taking out loans does not have to be your only option to pay for college. Abby Parnell earned 24 credits before she even got to campus, and Ahmed Raza explored entrepreneurship to offset college costs. Read more about how these teens and others found ways to deal with the high cost of an undergrad degree.

Dual Enrollment, Scholarships and Creative Ways to Cut Your College Tuition Bill

In a KWHS article on innovation, Jamie Lee Solimano, a finalist in the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search for high school students, defined innovation like this: “To shift society or have an impact, you have to introduce something novel.” While invention is indeed one aspect of innovation, it is also so much more. In this first part of a four-part audio podcast for educators on innovation and the art of problem-solving, Saikat Chaudhuri, executive director of the Mack Institute of Innovation Management at the Wharton School; and Rob Shelton, global innovation strategy lead at PwC, discuss innovation basics and how it is related to critical thinking and problem-solving.

Inside Innovation: Tackling the World’s Most Pressing Problems

These days, both students and parents want to get the most value from their huge financial investment in higher ed. One way to clarify your college path is to take a gap year – a year off to explore new opportunities and better prepare yourself for the rigors of college and for what you would like to study. This KWHS article helps you to understand what a gap year is all about. Once you’ve read it, be sure to listen to our podcast with a young “gapper.”

A Gap Year Could Be Your Path to Making Smarter Decisions

Football fans are likely lining up outside a Finish Line store in Gainesville, Fla. Baltimore Ravens safety Matt Elam, who signed a million-dollar contract last year as a first-round pick, has decided to work in the mall during the off-season to get experience for the day when he hopes to become a retail entrepreneur. Industry insiders agree that solid store experience is a great first step toward a career in retail, whether you plan to work as a buyer, merchandiser or even social media maven. KWHS explores various retail careers.

Retail Careers of All Shapes and Sizes