Future of the Business World: A Mini Goldendoodle Inspires Pet-Tech Innovation

Pet owners are familiar with the booming billion-dollar pet-technology market, including everything from smart pet doors to high-tech crates, beds, feeders, bowls and toys. Karan Dalal, a high school student and long-time dog owner, was no stranger to these clever gadgets, especially from his home in the heart of tech innovation, Silicon Valley, California.
When Karan began spending more quality time with his Mini Goldendoodle Teddy last year during quarantine, the inspiration hit. Karan and his friend Arnuv Tandon, also a dog lover, started developing a pet-tech product to help owners quickly locate their lost dogs. And thus was born PetCode, the “smart pet tag for smarter pet care.”
The Wharton Global Youth Program recently connected with Karan over Zoom for our latest Future of the Business World podcast episode. An edited transcript of our conversation appears below.
Wharton Global Youth Program: Hello everyone and welcome to Future of the Business World! I’m Diana Drake with the Wharton Global Youth Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
While the pandemic has been defined by isolation and frustration, it has also been a time of great innovation. It seems that high school students didn’t spend all those extra hours binge-watching Outer Banks. They instead looked around them and discovered problems and pain points that needed addressing in the world.
Today’s guest, Karan Dalal, didn’t have to look much further than his pet Mini Goldendoodle’s adorable face. Since May 2020, Karan and a friend have been developing PetCode, a startup business in the pet technology world. They’ve made some solid progress, building a minimum viable product, launching a successful Kickstarter campaign, and even spending time refining their business model in an accelerator. These young entrepreneurs, who happen to live in Silicon Valley, California, are making the standard metal engraved pet tag a thing of the past.
I should mention that Karan is also learning with Wharton Global Youth this summer in our online Business Leadership Academy. Karan, thanks for joining us today!
Karan Dalal: Thank you for having me.
Wharton Global Youth: First question: What is your dog’s name? After all, he was the inspiration for this, right?
Karan: My dog’s name is Teddy and part of the reasoning is that he actually looks like a teddy bear.
Wharton Global Youth: Who knew that pet tech was actually a thing? Can you tell us about the landscape of this industry?
Karan: Before starting PetCode, I didn’t know much about pet tech either. I was familiar with products like smart dog feeders, but I didn’t know too much about the industry as a whole. It turns out it is a huge product marketplace, upwards of $5 billion this year, I believe. Part of the reasoning behind this industry’s massive momentum is that people will buy anything and everything to make sure that their pets are safe, happy and healthy.
Wharton Global Youth: What is the story of PetCode? Other than your puppy, what inspired this idea for you and your friend?
Karan: We started back in May of 2020 right when the pandemic was going into full swing. We wanted to spend our time more productively and as primary caretakers of our pets, we definitely wanted to find a solution to something that most pet owners have in common. We were inspired by fading pet tags. As I mentioned, both of us are the primary caretakers of our pets and we realized that the typical metal engraved pet tag is completely archaic when you look at it in comparison to the technology in the 21st century. Also, due to COVID policies, restaurants had begun to implement QR codes on their tables so that way you could scan and get all the information about their menu without having to talk to a physical waiter. We decided, what if we took this and combined it with a pet tag so that way anytime someone finds your pet they get access to not only the limited amount of information on the back of a tag, but unlimited information that can be updated anywhere, anytime?
Wharton Global Youth: How did a hackathon [collaborative computer programming] help you to take this to the next level?
Karan: Hackathons are a great way to meet and network with new people, especially people of your age. A hackathon helped take PetCode to the next level because we used platforms such as Devpost to reach out to a lot of people with our idea. It’s how we met our current CTO (Chief Technology Officer) and scaled our business.
Wharton Global Youth: How many team members do you have?
Karan: We currently have nine team members from around North America and we are a completely student-led initiative. The majority of our team members we met through LinkedIn, hackathons, using the power of people and networking to reach people who shared our values and wanted to see our idea become a reality.
Wharton Global Youth: In terms of your business model, I would think that the idea of having a QR code on any sort of tag is not new. How are you differentiating yourself in the market?
Karan: The idea of tracking items using a QR code is not relatively new. But the lens that we look through this type of technology is definitely innovative. We are completely focused on pets, and that really differentiates us from these other one-unit-fits-all solutions. For example, we recently released a premium plan, which focuses on reuniting pets with the information you already store in our product. It includes items like shelter notifications and community alerts, which send out blast radiuses of your information so that way you can reunite with your pet faster. Our app also comes with other pet-care features, like logging your pet’s events and storing their vaccinations. By focusing on one use case, we’re really maximizing the potential of this technology.
“Measuring impact through social media likes and through comments, it’s really a good-feeling moment that, hey, I’m doing something that’s giving a lot of people peace of mind and keeping pets safer, happier and healthier.” — Karan Dalal, Co-founder, PetCode
Wharton Global Youth: Are you a profit-driven venture?
Karan: Yes, we are. This question fits into one of my favorite quotes by Nike founder Phil Knight. He says that business is no more about making money than the human body is about making blood. Yes, you need the stuff, but only to serve your higher aims. I feel that every venture is primarily mission driven, and in our case, profits allow us to achieve our mission more effectively.
Wharton Global Youth: How did you decide to go with Kickstarter to raise money and what helped to drive the success of that campaign? You ended up making $10,000, right?
Karan: Yes, we did end up making more than $10,000. We decided to go with Kickstarter because we knew there was a lot of difficulty in raising money from investors. And with the added barrier of being a teenager, that hope was almost impossible. We decided we needed money to incorporate our organization and legitimize our business. Kickstarter also serves as a great proof of concept to know that other pet owners are also interested in a product like this.
Wharton Global Youth: Do you think that’s what made your campaign successful? Appealing to other pet owners?
Karan: Primarily what drove our success in this campaign was all the planning that we did before we even launched. Any Kickstarter guide out there will tell you that your pre-launch is much more important than your actual launch. Kickstarter these days has become a platform where people don’t go to discover products, but instead it’s a medium they back and fund products through. It’s very important to have a successful pre-launch where you gain email lists and you create a community of backers that you know are going to support your project the minute it goes live on Kickstarter.
Wharton Global Youth: And you have to have a robust social media following too, right? Has social media helped you in other ways?
Karan: Absolutely. Social media serves us a couple of purposes. As you mentioned, it helps us build brand and product awareness, as well as a community of pet owners who really love our product — especially TikTok; we’re very popular on TikTok. We’ve had many posts with tens of thousands of likes, which has directly converted into sales. Social media also provides a platform for you to legitimize your company; to put forth a professional image that pet owners would like to see when considering a product that will affect their pet’s safety.
Wharton Global Youth: Is Teddy in the TikToks?
Karan: Teddy is our company TikTok star. We feel that our product is very demonstrable and that allows us to show off its capabilities, even in a 15-second video. Teddy is always there wagging his tail, showing off his tag and typically our TikToks showcase scanning the tag, its capabilities, and he’s very happy to be featured in this.
Wharton Global Youth: Can you tell us about your accelerator experience?
Karan: Sure, so a week ago we finished a month in the Replit Ventures accelerator, and it was completely awesome. For those who don’t know, accelerators are essentially a place that you go as a young startup and you look for support, which we got tons of. We got to meet amazing founders of Y Combinator [an accelerator for startups and a seed capital firm that is based in Silicon Valley, California] companies and got support from some amazing mentors that worked at Replit. Accelerators serve to support you and provide a seasoned perspective on your business. For us, it helped us narrow down who we were as a company and what exactly our product was by placing emphasis on safety, which is really seen in our premium plan.
Wharton Global Youth: When you first reached out to me with your idea, you mentioned there had been many lows, as well as many successes. Can you expand on this? What have been some of the challenges and even failures, and what have you learned from them?
Karan: The biggest failure we had is in how we began. When me and my cofounder came up with the idea, it was in a Snapchat group chat. We immediately thought this was something that could be useful, let’s just start building. We didn’t even take the time to build a minimal viable product, getting feedback from other pet owners or anything like that before we just went forward with that idea. I think that ties into one of the biggest challenges with even starting a business. It’s planning out your full roadmap ahead of you. We’ve learned a really important lesson. Before you make any moves on the chess board, analyze the entire thing because you never know when something is going to capture your queen.
Wharton Global Youth: Where do you go from here?
Karan: I’m super excited for the future potential of PetCode. I feel there are so many industries and places it could be used. My favorite example is something we want to do in the near future, which is helping pet-fostering organizations. For those who don’t know, typically foster pets switch homes every month or even a couple of weeks. Each owner has to buy new tags for the pet that they get. With PetCode, they can easily update the pet information as well as their contact information with a couple of clicks. They also have access to the pet’s previous vaccination documents, medication reminders and daily schedules. We’re looking to expand PetCode and get it into as many pet-owning homes as we can in the world.
Wharton Global Youth: What has it meant to launch this venture during the pandemic?
Karan: It comes down to impact. It’s almost every day that someone’s posted something on Instagram tagging PetCode saying: ‘Oh my God, this pet tag is amazing. It’s so inexpensive and it really provides me that peace of mind that whenever my pet gets out I have that capability to make sure all their information is up to date so that way they have the best chance to be reunited with me.’ Measuring that impact through social media likes, through comments, it’s really a good-feeling moment that, hey, I’m doing something that’s giving a lot of people peace of mind and keeping pets safer, happier and healthier.
Wharton Global Youth: A question I like to ask all my Future of the Business World guests is, if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Karan: If I could change just one thing in the world, I would eliminate human greed completely. I feel that is the root of all evil that humans commit. So, I would definitely eliminate human greed.
Wharton Global Youth: We like to end up with our lightning round, so please try to answer these questions as quickly as you can. What is your favorite emerging business trend?
Karan: Artificial intelligence in the workplace.
Wharton Global Youth: What is something that would surprise us about where you live in the Bay Area?
Karan: I actually go to the same high school as [Apple founder] Steve Jobs. The house where Apple was built is just a few blocks from mine.
Wharton Global Youth: Briefly, how do you define leadership, having been in our leadership program this summer?
Karan: Understanding, influencing and guiding members of an organization towards a common goal you’ve established.
Wharton Global Youth: What innovation, other than your own, do you value most as a pet owner?
Karan: I’d definitely say robot vacuum cleaners like Roombas because pets like to make a mess.
Wharton Global Youth: What business person would you most like to invite to lunch and why?
Karan: Paul Graham, the founder of Y Combinator. He has a very unique perspective on the world and the future of startups in this world.
Wharton Global Youth: Karan, thank you for joining us on Future of the Business World.
Karan: Thanks so much for having me.
What is your favorite pet technology?
How did Karan and his team use the tools available to entrepreneurs to help develop, launch and market PetCode?
What questions would you like Karan Dalal to answer about his startup PetCode and the experience of developing a company in the pet-tech space?
Once when we had brought our new puppy home, she had sneaked off to somewhere and it took each and every member’s anxiety, stress and constant look out for us to finally find her. We thought she would have run off outside our home but fortunately she was hiding in a very dark corner inside our home where none of us had thought of searching. If I had PetCode then, I am sure it would have saved us a lot of time and panic. Sometimes it is very difficult with pets and we pet owners are definitely interested in something like PetCode which takes away the stress of our pets being unsafe.
I know the feeling when your furry friend gets lost or sometimes runs away. It is very stressful and gives us a lot of anxiety. I absolutely support Petcode as we just need to scan the QR code on the tag. It is as simple as that! We can also track our furry friend anywhere they go so its not that much of stress to take in our mind as we know where they are. This is very useful and an innovative idea I have heard for the safety of our pets.
Thanks for your kind words Agastya!
Really cool stuff, guys. Are you aware of a company called PetHub that filed patents on QR code tags for pets back in 2011? Their press releases say that they’re in over 600 communities now as a QR code tag pet license or rabies tag with 700,000 users. You might want to make sure you’re not infringing on their patents. I know they like working with other companies, too, so you might explore that angle as well. Good luck.
Hey Tim, thanks for your comment! We’re definitely familiar with PetHub, and we’ve done a patent search to make sure we’re not infringing on any property (they seem to have filed a provisional patent, but let it expire). PetHub is definitely very community partnership-centric, while we are focused on the Direct to Consumer market with our modern branding & design 🙂
I appreciate the way you guys went straight to production instead of messing around with prototypes, although sometimes it may help in figuring out loopholes or minor errors, it’s a very smart decision to move on fast under certain scenarios like this because a lot of pets get lost everyday and it’s a very simple idea which doesn’t require much research or development time. Overall it’s a huge win for the pet-tech industry because of people like you who are coming up with great innovations. As a suggestion related to pets, you guys can try to work with ultrasonic sound for future innovations.
Hi Hemish, thanks for the kind words and feedback! We’ll definitely look into ultrasonic sound as we strive to continue innovating.
One sunny afternoon in the park, my labradoodle and I were going for a walk. We walked across the street, headed to the big fields, and sniffed the roses for a while. I looked away from her for a second, and when I looked back, she was gone. Where did she go? What happened? Will we ever find her again? Anxiety wracked my brain as I frantically searched every last nook and cranny I could find until finally, I sat down, defeated. Then I looked to my right, and there my dog was, with me the whole time. Karan, as a dog owner, must know this feeling quite well. It’s a feeling universal to dog owners. But Karan wasn’t like me; they didn’t just go home grateful that they found their dog again. Karan knew that this was a problem, and not just for us.
184 Million pets go missing every year in the US alone, and more than 80% are never found! Such a statistic is unacceptable, and Karan wanted to change that. Karan’s spirit was strong, and their convictions even stronger; and so they set off to change the world. It wasn’t easy, but they pulled through.
Nowadays, they’ve really broken into the market. Through their use of social media and general postings on the internet, they have really expanded their customer base and established a large network of people who use the app. With this, they are able to complete their mission, to make sure that pets are found. Since they have a stable base now, they are free to expand as well. With this, they could pursue even more goals related to helping pets: such as listing animal shelters and rescues on their app. With time, they could even expand into third world countries, where the pet problem is even worse. In all cases, the future looks promising for pet owners, and even more promising is the future of Petcode.
As a person fond of pets, I appreciate the mission that Karan and the PetCode team have taken up. The thought of pets being reunited with their owners excites me and this innovation eases the process. At heart, although their innovation may appear simple in nature, it is far-reaching in purpose.
Long ago, my family awoke to finding our dog lost from the house. Struck by amazement, we searched the street, but unfortunately had no luck. We eventually learned that our dog was taken to an animal shelter because the staff thought the dog did not have an owner. Having undergone the experience of losing a pet, this innovation offers me hope for pet owners around the world. It offers a solution to heartbreaking events like these through better identification.
As Karan mentions, one of the most significant things for him with this venture has been “impact”. I would add that the satisfaction received through your own customers’ positive reviews and feedback is encouraging to the purpose. Overall, the scannable pet tag is promising for millions of pet owners who want to be freed from the worry of losing their beloved pets. Pet ownership is at a high point with 67% of US households having a pet, making this innovation a fit for consumer needs. I see a long-term use for a defined problem, but I am also intrigued by possibilities of taking this concept further.
In light of COVID-19, feelings of isolation have negatively affected many people.
Considering pets as companions, their presence can simply provide comfort to the owner. This makes the solution important now more than ever. An additional impact could be in bridging the gap between pet owners and their pets by putting in measures to reduce the chances of pets getting lost from their owners in the first place. This could include creating a tracking device for the pet such that the owner knows where their pet is at all times, even if nobody finds the pet. Additionally, making the tag waterproof helps in case the pet is recovered from a water and having a QR code on the collar in addition to the tag would make the information more secure in case the tag is worn off. Reducing the cost for the pet tag would enable it to be accessible to as many households as possible. The future looks bright for pet owners, but it will take promoting the product to get more people involved. Karan has created a team of teenagers passionate about the mission and has advertised primarily through social media. To build upon this, partnering with several pet shelters would not only build “product awareness”, but also give accountability in the eyes of potential consumers.
The idea of using a pet tag with a QR code to connect a pet to its owner is both creative and thoughtful. When designing a product, it is necessary for an entrepreneur to ask themselves how it fits in the market, who it is targeted for, and what problem it solves. This is what I admire about the innovation, that it is meant to solve an apparent problem and it suits a target audience. It helps reunite lost pets and fits the needs of an average pet owner. With the large audience that the team is garnering, they can truly expand their impact in countless ways across the pet industry.
This video was great as it was very relatable because I personally own a dog, and the business idea was brilliantly executed. This has inspired me to think critically and have many innovative ideas. It was relatable because i have a younger pet who tends to run away and this just makes things more convenient. Overall great work
This is amazing! I remember back when I was younger, I was determined to innovate a product similar to PetCode; only, I planned on creating a microchip tiny enough to insert into the fur of our pets as a pet tracking device. Oh well, I guess that was the result of one too many sci-fi movies watched…
Anyways, I genuinely appreciate Karan’s initiative to ensure the safety of the furry friends in our lives. I don’t think that this would’ve been an easy thing to do – I think we are all aware that identifying a problem and actually doing something to fix the problem only sounds easy; not many people are able to actually take action. Furthermore, I love that the focus of this innovation is not necessarily on the benefit of the human population for once, but rather…on animals! Hurray!
Listening to this interview, I saw some things I wanted to point out about the way Karan and her team decided to innovate and promote PetCode. Firstly, although Karan mentions that she regrets that she started her business without planning out the entire roadmap first, I believe that this may have been one of the reasons why her business was able to succeed as it did. She may have been faced with challenges due to this jump-start later on in the process, but I believe that this jump-start may have helped the innovation of PetCode gain momentum and possibly even helped Karan and her team develop a stronger passion and allowed them to innovate with grit. Great job!
Another interesting point was how Karan went about promoting her product. She mentioned she used TikTok as a useful platform to promote PetCode. The use of social media as a promotional tool is a relatively new idea, and I believe it can take local or national businesses further than we imagined. Giving people all around the world access to knowledge about PetCode would help it branch out to different countries later on in the product life cycle, helping the business thrive and giving more pets and their owners access to such a useful product.
I hope that Karan and her team take PetCode even further in the future. I firmly believe so many other sister products can be produced from this innovation; hopefully more innovations that can help to ensure the safety and happiness of our furry friends. Thank you so much Karan!
The feeling of stress and anxiety is one that pains the heart and soul of the owner as days pass by without knowing where in the world their pets could have gone. Personally, I have experienced this feeling of lost hope as me and my cousins’ endless search for days felt fruitless. Karan’s word in describing that “people will buy anything and everything to make sure that their pets are safe, happy and healthy” definitely resonates as it highlights the length pet owners are willing to take for their pets. But when they disappear, it completely shatters our emotional connection. When I first read about Karan’s innovative and more efficient technology to locate lost pets, naturally, I was very curious. To be able to recognize an issue needed to be addressed during the pandemic, I definitely applaud Karan’s effort and his entrepreneurial spirit to allow a new invention that is time-effective and revolutionary. Karan’s methodology in his startup of PetCode through a productive team, utilization of social media, networking through multiple platforms, and business models is very inspiring as it clearly demonstrates the thought out efforts and large amounts of planning being made.
Considering the effects pets have begun to have during the pandemic, pets have become more popular in sales. In a report by Washington Post, at Animal Care Center of NYC, approximately 25% of people who originally agreed to foster dogs temporarily during the beginning of the pandemic had shifted to permanently adopting them by late June. During a time of isolation, journalist Kim Kavin also describes that “Americans kept trying to fill voids with canine companions, either because they were stuck working from home with children who needed something to do, or had no work and lots of free time, or felt lonely with no way to socialize.”
Due to the increase in dog purchases and adoptions, dog thefts have become more prevalent as a result of the pandemic. The feelings of isolation take a toll in staying at home for so long. A report by BBC highlights that with everyone being bored at home and the demands of puppies becoming high with prices inflating, it isn’t that surprising that people take the chance to nick other people’s dogs. In considering these negative occurrences happening, Karan’s idea could certainly be revolutionary as it could allow owners to reunite with their lost or stolen dogs much more easily. We will need to consider more specifications in the extent of this technology, such as its tracking system, to better promote what allows PetCode to stand out. The QR code system is not all unique as well as a lot of the ideas of PetCode’s purpose is practically similar to a microchip or pet tracker. If there is a certain factor that could help differentiate this app into something revolutionary, potentially we could see one of the largest pet issues begin to fade away.
Anyone can innovate anything. However, there are categories that innovations fall under: simply passing the qualification to be an innovation, or implementing its originality in the world. We need to ask ourselves, are these innovations essential? In this instance, Karan Dalal, a high school student, introduced a new and smarter pet tag. Now, questions begin to surface. Will PetCode be affordable for those who need them? What makes this invention different from previous tags? Will this innovation impact not only the present but the future? Let’s explore each question!
For effectiveness, we have to consider if there is a limit to the distance from where the QR code is scanned to notifying your connected device. I question the efficacy of this pet tag because this information is not mentioned on this article or PetCode’s website. I agree with Karan that human greed is unfavorable. Sadly, it is also another obstacle to this innovation’s success. If a pet owner loses their pet, they have to place all their trust in the person that finds the pet. It would only work if the person scans the PetCode QR tag or brings the lost pet to the nearest shelter, making PetCode lose effectiveness. The next question concerns the affordability of PetCode. According to Fortunly, pet owners spend an average of $1,380 on just their pet’s basic expenses. With the cost of just $17, PetCode falls in the range of affordable to many owners.
Expense leads to the next question. Would this purchase be worth it compared to other related devices(tags, microchips) on the market? Compared to microchips, PetCode is indeed a lot more affordable than permanent chips, however less secure (microchips are permanently inserted under a pet’s skin while tags are on a removable collar). Additionally, PetCode allows owners to set a clean profile of all their pet’s information and the owner’s(names, email/phone number, address). Again, we have to rely on the person’s virtue when discovering the lost pet and having the information of the owner’s address. Petcode also incorporates location scans, vaccination records, reminders/logging, and more, all designed to focus on the pet. Now, what exactly sets this apart from a microchip, for example. I believe differences include a more specific pet-focused device that does include a location tracker once the QR code is scanned and a more efficient way of contacting the owner and making appointments with PetCode. Although I love the idea of focusing on your pet, I believe that PetCode can make a bigger breakthrough by being accessible to bigger world issues. I want to point out Karan’s response to being a profit-driven business and claiming that he used the business’s profits to serve for “higher aims.” How can a business whose current resolve in just making pets and owners happy have a greater intent? I think a way PetCode can become more necessary is to reach a bigger target with this innovation. Instead of focusing on just lost pets, PetCode can also help tag stray animals, especially those in third-world countries. In many poor countries, stray animals constitute serious health problems, spreading diseases and attacking people. By tagging and selling this innovation to those countries and being able to seek help for animals on a global scale, PetCode will be able to serve more pivotal circumstances, especially considering this entrepreneurship for the future.
Almost all humans experience daily issues that may be minor or easily fixable at the moment, but can build up as time goes on. Identifying and solving these problems are important for the betterment of society. And who else is better at coming up with solutions than entrepreneurs? As we can see in this story, Karan identified a problem which was shared by many other pet owners, fading pet tags. Now this initial step of realization or identification, is what most aspiring entrepreneurs want and rising entrepreneurs have. When an idea or spark becomes clear, it is then only possible to innovate and succeed. To add on, Karan didn’t try creating a whole new product for a problem, but built upon and improved an existing idea. He took the dog tags and combined them with the QR codes at restaurants to initially start his product. And something that any upcoming innovator or entrepreneur needs to realize, is that you don’t need to make something from scratch or fix massive problems like world hunger. Entrepreneurship isn’t always about creating the best product that will make the most profit. Making a product that impacts people and betters their lives is sometimes the best option, as showcased by Karan.
To find inspiration within the tiniest joys of life is one of the most uplifting ways to discover happiness within this career. For me, I was particularly interested in the fact that this started from his little golden doodle. I’ve started my own business from my own interests (drawing art in the form of commissions) as well, so it’s encouraging to see someone do the same. Reading Karan’s story about how his endearing pet became the centerpiece in his business aspirations and seeing the push he is putting forward shows that business can be created from just about anything and bring joy to those who find it.
Fascinating to see how a group of people seized the opportunity created by the lockdown and created a successful start-up. Bill Gross, an American investor, once said in a Ted-talk “Execution matters a lot, the idea matters a lot, but timing matters even more. The best way to access timing is to look if the consumers are really ready for what you have to offer them.”
Karan Dalal not only had great timing, but also a wonderful team, great execution, and a brilliant business model, all of which are crucial factors of a successful business. In fact, many of these other factors are built on the basis of having good timing. Karan used TikTok as a way to advertise and share their product. At the time of doing so, the app has just become the most popular social media outlet. People who were laid off from work also didn’t want their money to burn a hole in their pockets, so many turned to the investment market. Finally, the world saw pet sales soar during the coronavirus lockdown. This is likely because people are spending the majority of their time at home, and who wouldn’t want a fuzzy little Goldendoodle lying around to play with. With a quick google search, I found that purchasing a well-bred pet can cost anywhere from $500 to upwards of thousands, not to mention the cost of feeding, grooming, and taking care of your pet. Clearly, most pet owners are willing to pay money for the health and safety of their pets. So this adds to the well-timed launch of this project. Karan’s startup has everything you would find in any successful startup.