In the next few weeks, Alexandra “Alex” Kukoff, a 14-year-old entrepreneur from California, will begin reviewing designs submitted by engineers to create a special pair of closed-captioning glasses for hearing-impaired moviegoers. It is a story of how a new entrepreneur with little technological expertise can use the Internet to make the necessary high-tech connections to turn an idea into a prototype [an early sample or model built to test a product or concept].

Lens of Opportunity: Alex Kukoff’s Incredible Virtual Community Connection

As Earth Day approaches on April 22, KWHS calls on guest writer Rebecca Unger, a high school senior from Massachusetts, to explore the environmental justice movement. Says Unger: “Environmental justice is significant for adolescents, educators and aspiring businesspeople alike. A good entrepreneur needs to consider the practical implications of how systemized inequality affects the market; a good citizen needs to consider the moral implications of failing to challenge that inequality.”

Breaking Down Community Barriers: The Fight for Environmental Justice

The business of sustainability – meeting the needs of the present without compromising resources for future generations -- is growing among companies with a social conscience. Guayakí, which makes and sells Yerba Mate beverages, is an example of a company that has built its entire business model on practices that drive environmental and social change. Its main goal: to get you, as the consumer, to support sustainability with your dollars.

Restoring the Rainforest: Guayakí Brews Environmental and Social Change