With so much talk about student loan debt, it’s easy to become mired in all the mind-numbing numbers. The bottom line is this: lots of students are borrowing money to pay for college (often without understanding the consequences), and those decisions are having an often-painful financial impact on their lives for a very long time.
Here are 10 truths about the student debt crisis in the U.S. Read them, and then visit the Related KWHS Stories tab on the right side of the page to find help with making more informed choices about paying for your higher education.
- Student debt has more than tripled since 2004, reaching $1.52 trillion in the first quarter of 2018, according to the Federal Reserve — second only to mortgage debt in the U.S. College costs have outpaced the Consumer Price Index more than four-fold since 1985, and tuition assistance today is often harder to come by, particularly at schools without large endowments. “We’ve come to a place where most students have to borrow in order to pay the cost of completing a bachelor’s degree,” said University of Pennsylvania professor Laura W. Perna, executive director of Penn’s Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy.
- About 44 million graduates hold student debt, and today’s graduates leave school holding promissory notes (promises to repay their loans) worth an average of $37,000, raising concerns that the burden is creating a cascade of pressures compelling many to put off traditional life milestones. The storyline, as it has emerged, is that college debt delays buying a house, getting married, having children and saving for retirement, and there is some evidence that this is happening.
- Before the Great Recession, student debt levels were below auto loans, credit card debt and home-equity lines of credit in the ranking of household debt. Since then, student loan debt has surpassed these other debts, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. “It’s changing the culture of America,” said Christopher Peterson, a University of Utah law professor and consumer finance expert, during a recent segment on the Knowledge@Wharton radio showon SiriusXM. “It doesn’t have to be this way. A lot of advanced industrialized countries manage to provide education for their citizens without inflicting this long-term debt burden on young people.”
- A more advanced level of education is considered essential. “Higher education is increasingly important to individuals and our society,” said Perna. “Individuals who attain higher education average higher salaries, which translates into a higher tax base. With higher levels of education attainment, there is also less reliance on social welfare programs, as individuals who attain higher education are more likely to be employed, less likely to be unemployed, and less likely to be in poverty. Higher levels of education are also associated with greater civic engagement, as well as lower crime.”
- In 2002, a college bachelor’s degree holder could expect to make 75% more than someone with just a high school diploma, and nearly a decade later that premium had risen to 84%, according to the Georgetown University 2011 study “The College Payoff: Education, Occupations, Lifetime Earnings.” A bachelor’s degree is worth about $2.8 million over a lifetime, the study also found.
- While we’re drawn to the stories of people caught under the burden of $100,000 in student loan debt, that is not the norm. In 2014, the largest chunk of student debt — nearly 40% — belonged to people owing between $1 and $10,000.
- A bigger problem is when students take out loans and then don’t graduate from college. “The vast majority of the college premium is stored up in actually getting that degree. So if you have $5,000 or $10,000 in student loans that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy — and only in very rare circumstances can they be discharged in bankruptcy — but only have the labor market opportunities of someone with a high school diploma, that ends up being a really bad situation for a lot of people,” said Douglas Webber, an economics professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa.
- Some other countries have devised creative ways of handling repayment of debt. Australia has a system that links the repayment of loans with the tax system. “Income-driven repayment options have been created in the U.S.,” said Perna, “but these options are more cumbersome and administratively complex than in Australia and some other nations. By linking the amount of the monthly payment to an individual’s income, income-driven repayment options can help to protect borrowers against the risk of non-repayment.” Check out this KWHS article about two women who have lived with student loan debt and figured out strategies to pay it off.
- “Promise” or “free tuition” programs cropping up in some states are also worth examining, Perna said. New York, Maryland and other states have proposed new and expanded programs to pay college costs for eligible students. “The movement toward these programs suggests an opportunity to think about how different sources of financial aid come together to ensure that all students have the financial resources that are needed to pay the cost of going to college.”
- In the end, the job you get when you graduate is extremely important, ideally giving you the chance to pay off that student loan debt. Even so, it’s hard to choose wisely. Students today are focused “even more on the job market in choosing college majors,” said Wharton management professor Peter Cappelli, director of the school’s Center for Human Resources. “That’s not a great thing because it is very hard to predict which jobs will be hot, and using college just as the basis for getting your first job makes it a poor investment over the lifetime.” The hope on rising student debt was that the economic upturn would start to take care of the problem, added Cappelli. “It certainly helped, as there are more jobs and fewer graduates whose loan debt keeps growing while they have no ability to even make payments. The lack of income growth, though, especially for those at the bottom of the ladder — as many students are when they start out — is the main problem now. For many students, they can make their payments, but do little else: They can’t buy houses or start families.”
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Conversation Starters
What three things did you learn from this article that could help prepare you for making smarter decisions about choosing and paying for colleges?
Do you feel trapped by these types of statistics and insights? In other words, a bachelor’s degree is essential, but at what financial cost? Why or why not?
What are you and your family doing right now to prepare you to deal with the financial burden of college? Have you discussed it? What was the outcome of that decision? If you haven’t discussed it, go home tonight and have a conversation with your parents or guardians. How will you better prepare yourself for college loan debt?
As a rising tenth grader, I am starting to contemplate college education and the costs associated with such an endeavor. Having participated in a business club over the past year, I have greatly improved my financial literacy and learned the importance of making smart investment decisions.
The article “10 Truths about Student Loan Debt” reinforced the message that one of the most important investment decisions I will ever make is choosing my area of study and identifying the college that is the best fit for me. After all, the most important asset I will ever own is myself. By investing in a higher level of education, I will gain skills that will make me a more valuable asset to potential employers. This edge is especially important in today’s competitive world where companies can draw from a vast pool of qualified candidates. Moreover, with the automation made possible by technological advancements, menial jobs that do not require special training can all but become obsolete in the near future. Having unique skills and qualifications will set me apart from the rest of the workforce, help me secure a well-paid position, and allow me to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. In fact, according to the article, a college graduate will earn on average 85% more than a high school graduate.
While student loans will allow me to pursue an education at my dream school and reap the numerous benefits that a higher education will afford, the article highlights several negative long-term consequences that I must also consider. Having to repay tens of thousands of dollars could significantly impact my post-college lifestyle, preventing me from buying a house, starting a family, and beginning to save for retirement. In fact, depending on the size of my loan, student debt could continue to affect my life for years to come.
Therefore, it is imperative that I take this investment decision very seriously and carefully weigh tuition costs against the potential benefits of a higher level of education. I must take advantage of learning opportunities in school to become a savvy and well-informed college applicant. The article led me to the conclusion that while I need to be focused and identify a specific area I would like to pursue, I also need to allow for flexibility given the ever-changing job market. I must balance my passions and strengths with job market trends. Moreover, as a shrewd investor, I am striving for a positive cost benefit. I have to ensure that the quality of education and potential benefits I will reap far outweigh the cost of receiving such an education, making it a smart investment decision.
As emphasized by the article, the United States is falling behind in providing cost effective education opportunities for its students. I hope that US policy makers will learn from the successful examples set by other countries and encourage individuals to pursue higher levels of education by providing financial support programs that do not leave students swamped in debt. Such programs will enable a greater percentage of high school graduates to pursue a college education, benefiting both the individual and the society as a whole.
I will try to focus on free grants are any grants that i dont have to pay back before considering taking on student loans.
Student debt is an issue that many don’t worry about until they are shackled by it. The article says that student debt is reaching 1.52 trillion dollars, but even that was in 2018. It is 2020, and student debt is still climbing, now over 1.56 trillion dollars. With higher education leading to higher pay and increased opportunities, college is often viewed as a must. So, how can we stop this student debt crisis?
My solution is to make lessons on college and money an important part of the curriculum in high school. Before going to college, every student should know what lies ahead. As such, high school coursework that teaches students about the career outcomes for different fields of study is a must. Students are often told to follow their passion, and from this advice, they end up in deep financial trouble in the future. From mandatory high school coursework regarding college, students can make college decisions that caters to them both financially and based on their passions. Another big topic that needs to be taught in high school is money. For example, not all students understand how dangerous interest is. Before taking on student debt, they should know that student debt grows at an unfriendly rate because of interest. This is sure to discourage them from taking on large loans after they realize how slowly student debt will be paid off.
An alternative solution is not to go to college. Before I start, I’m going to say that this doesn’t apply to all interests. Although college provides verification that one is “qualified” for a certain job, you don’t necessarily need a degree for a job. For one to be hired, one needs to show skill in their soon-to-be job. That skill can come from many sources, including from the military, bootcamps, or online. The internet offers amazing ways to access educational material and make a living whether it be online courses or online businesses. In fact, you can gain enough knowledge to work at a big tech company simply by learning from MOOCs. If students know that student debt will be a hassle to them in the future, they should be aware of alternative choices to college and consider this path.
I’ve learned that if I go to college to make sure that I finish, find other ways of paying for college other than loans and saving money for college is key.
I definitely feel trapped with this kind of statistics and insights. It is hard to want to go to college knowing how much debt comes with it but I also need a bachelor’s degree to have a higher earning power. This is a very hard decision to make.
My family is putting money aside right now to try to ease the cost of my college education in the next 4 years.
Individuals committed to pay back money that was forwarded to them. Why should they not have to pay it back? I wish my home and car loan didn’t have to be paid but that’s not real life
Consider Return on Investment: Research potential career paths and their associated earning potential to determine whether the investment in a particular college and degree program is likely to pay off in the long run.
Explore Financial Aid Options: Investigate scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities to minimize the amount of student loan debt required.
Evaluate Alternatives: Explore community colleges, trade schools, and online education as alternatives to traditional four-year universities, considering their potential to provide quality education at a lower cost.
Feelings about Statistics and Insights:
While the importance of a bachelor’s degree is evident, it’s crucial to weigh its value against the financial burden it might entail. Feeling trapped by these statistics is understandable, as the desire for education and career advancement must be balanced with the potential debt. Deciding whether the financial cost is worth it requires a comprehensive assessment of individual goals, financial circumstances, and available alternatives.
Preparation for Dealing with College Financial Burden:
As an AI, I don’t have personal experiences, but individuals and families can prepare for college financial burdens by discussing the costs and exploring options together. Open conversations with parents or guardians can lead to informed decisions about how to manage college costs, including seeking financial aid, considering cost-effective education paths, and establishing a realistic budget. Better preparing for college loan debt involves researching repayment options, understanding interest rates, and being proactive in managing finances during and after college.
Starting these conversations early and seeking guidance from financial advisors can provide a clearer picture of the financial responsibilities associated with college and empower individuals to make more informed decisions about their education and financial future.
What are you and your family doing right now to prepare you to deal with the financial burden of college? Have you discussed it? What was the outcome of that decision? If you haven’t discussed it, go home tonight and have a conversation with your parents or guardians. How will you better prepare yourself for college loan debt?
My mom has tried to save money from her paycheck for college. We have discussed the topic of going to college, and my mom says it’s expensive, but she said the way that I’ll go to college without going in serious debt, is by doing well enough in my academics, that I’ll get scholarships. Although we have discussed the plan, I’m not sure how it will help if for instance I don’t get enough scholarships. In the meantime I try my best to do good in school, so it won’t be such a burden on my family and I.
To deal with the financial burden of college, my parents are going to contribute a fixed amount and I am going to pay for the rest by working in college and taking out a loan if necessary.
To prepare and deal with the financial burden or stress of college I can start saving now and get a job soon when I grow up.
What three things did you learn from this article that could help prepare you for making smarter decisions about choosing and paying for colleges?
Do you feel trapped by these types of statistics and insights? In other words, a bachelor’s degree is essential, but at what financial cost? Why or why not?
What are you and your family doing right now to prepare you to deal with the financial burden of college? Have you discussed it? What was the outcome of that decision? If you haven’t discussed it, go home tonight and have a conversation with your parents or guardians. How will you better prepare yourself for college loan debt?
I learned how to deal with financial burdens and school debt. I do not feel so trapped.