In the summer of 2011, Luis Iván Cuende García, who is now 16, walked away with the top prize at HackNow, a competition for young European techies. His winning entry, Asturix On, is a distributed web-tech based desktop that shows great promise in the world of distributed personal computing. In basic terms, it is a desktop environment that is, as Cuende García puts it, “based on the latest and most rocking web technologies.” He talked with Knowledge@Wharton High School about his life and challenges as a teen tech entrepreneur.

Luis Iván Cuende García: The Best Teen ‘Hacker’ in Europe

High school freshman and technology devotee Lane Sutton started when he was 12 and now, a mere two years later, he is building his rep as a social media strategist. In addition to running a consulting business, he speaks at schools and tech conferences about the social media revolution, privacy and online security and getting started on Twitter. Sutton’s latest strategy involves balancing business and school: “Homework and family time have always come first.”

Social Media Strategist Lane Sutton: A ‘Digital Native’ on a Mission

Yago Arbeloa is a successful Spanish Internet entrepreneur, investing in such projects as, and, the first Twitter platform sponsored in Spanish. Arbeloa talked with Knowledge@Wharton High School (in more than 140 characters) about launching his online career, the importance of partnership agreements and why aspiring Internet business owners need to understand the concept of "scalable" if they hope to attract investors.

Spanish Internet VIP Yago Arbeloa: ‘It Is Important to Take Advantage of the Moment’