Since the first Earth Day in 1970, people have been coming together each year on April 22 to celebrate the environment and advocate for sustainability and protection. But as this year’s theme, “A Billion Acts of Green”, suggests, true environmental change is a full-time effort. High school students around the country are finding ways every day in their schools and communities to raise awareness of environmental issues, inspire change and improve the livability of the planet.

The Voice of a Green Generation

Developing economies around the world struggle with providing ample, affordable food supplies, which compromises community nutrition and overall health. Five teenage women in Northern Zambia are investing new entrepreneurial skills into their remote fishing community through savvy farming strategies and increased employment to tackle the local food crisis. This case study written by Camfed International, an organization that works toward eradicating poverty in Africa through the empowerment of young women, tells the story of Chitundwa’s Poverty Fighters.

Northern Zambia’s Poverty Fighters