JB King is a director at Ernst & Young, one of the world’s largest professional services firms and one of the Big Four accounting firms, along with Deloitte, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The Big Four handle most of the financial audits for publicly traded companies. But don’t expect to see King accessorizing with a pencil and green plastic visor anytime soon. In this essay, King describes a very different view of life as an employee at a Big Four accounting firm.

Inside Accounting: ‘There’s Room among the Pencil Pushers for Creative Types Like Me’

As you think about training and education for your career, some of you may be considering following in a parent’s footsteps. Perhaps you have always admired your mother's career as a lawyer or your father's job as a teacher -- or your parents own a family business that needs your expertise once you graduate from high school or college. Whatever the case, now is the time to give some thought to the pros and cons of all-in-the-family career choices.

Family Influence: Choosing to Follow Your Parent’s Career Path

Kristen Hall, a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, is in the dual degree Huntsman program, which includes courses in both finance and international studies. Interested primarily in international development, she has been thinking of ways to use her academic knowledge in places like Nigeria, Botswana and Tanzania. She was interviewed recently for Knowledge@Wharton High School by classmate Alan Lee.

From Business Clubs and Lab Research to Choir and Africa: ‘Explore All Your Different Passions’

You might think Tony Wang had his hands full as a double-degree junior at the University of Pennsylvania, earning both his bachelor’s and master’s in four years. Add fashion designer and social media expert extraordinaire to the mix and you have one busy bioscience-loving blogger. Wang sat down with student interviewer Mindy Zhang to talk about his passion for fashion – including his biannual adventures at New York Fashion Week -- and the value of building your personal brand.

From Bioscience to Haute Couture: Tony Wang’s Wide-Ranging World

At the end of May 2011, one particular business headline referred to both private equity and pepperoni. California Pizza Kitchen, a restaurant chain, agreed to be acquired by private equity firm Golden Gate Capital for $470 million – yes, that’s a lot of dough. The students in Christina Feng’s business and entrepreneurship class at Martin Luther King Jr. High School of Arts and Technology in New York City were following this and other deals as they studied the big-money, fast-paced world of mergers and acquisitions – M&A for short.

Big-Scale Buying and Selling: Dealing in Mergers & Acquisitions

When was the last time you wrote 11,000 words just for the fun of it? Some say in-depth research papers are a dying art. Not so for high school students who aspire to be published in The Concord Review, an academic journal that has published more than 900 research papers by high school students on topics that range from the history of computer giant IBM to Christianity in Korea. What’s the appeal? Teenagers share their passion for analysis, libraries and page upon page of the written word.

Adventures in Intellect: The Value of a Good Research Paper

Julie Cheng was a junior at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Md., when she submitted an essay to the Knowledge@Wharton High School essay contest and placed first in the 11th/12th grade entrepreneurship category. Cheng is now a freshman at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She talked with KWHS about her winning business plan and how college is nurturing her entrepreneurial spirit.

KWHS Essay Contest Winner Julie Cheng: Functional Gloves and the Musings of a College Freshman

Roberto Alvarez de Lara is living the dream. After five years working as a programmer with one of the best video-game design studios in Spain, he founded his own Madrid-based company, Over the Top Games. In April, the company came out with its latest creation, The Fancy Pants Adventure, and hopes to continue generating new products every year. While outside experience is very important, says Alvarez de Lara, the best video-game designers begin at home.

Over the Top: Fancy Pants Adventures and Other Gamer Tales