T his mini-site for high school students provides Wharton School-powered videos, readings, and activities to inspire deep thought and discussion of global business issues.
Explore Business presents the first topic in the Beyond Business series, which focuses on the challenges Black entrepreneurs face due to unjust practices that limit their ability to prosper. Erika James, dean of the Wharton School, hosted the session “Race and the Entrepreneur” on October 21, 2020, along with moderator Karl Ulrich, Wharton’s vice dean of entrepreneurship and innovation. They engaged with panelists Chris Bennett, the founder of Wonderschool, and Josh Kopelman, managing partner at First Round Capital venture fund.
The activities on this page connect to the “Race and the Entrepreneur” discussion and provide opportunities for high school students to Explore Business. The linked worksheets will help guide your exploration of the shorter video segments and the concepts. Enjoy discovering new business insights – and contributing your own ideas to this important conversation.
“Our biggest issue around race is that we are still uncomfortable having a candid discussion about it… As a business school, we have a responsibility to provide the tools that will allow future leaders the ability to listen, talk, and learn from the experiences of others when it comes to race and its impact.”
The Full Discussion:
Race and the Entrepreneur
Explore the Video Themes
Meet the Entrepreneur
Following a brief intro to the Race and the Entrepreneur discussion, Chris Bennett, CEO of Wonderschool, discusses his entrepreneurship journey and diverse background.
Meet the Venture Capitalist
Josh Kopelman, managing partner at First Round Capital, talks about the venture capital industry’s poor track record funding entrepreneurs of color.
Conveyer Belt of Conformity
A look at how venture capitalists might begin to think differently about what makes a successful entrepreneur, and an introduction to the concept of the financial safety net.
Raising Seed Money
Entrepreneurs need capital to start their businesses, but not everyone has the same access to funding sources – here’s what works.
Advancing Black Entrepreneurship
The value of mentors, and an important story that illustrates how venture capitalists sometimes bring their own experiences and biases to the process of deciding where they will invest their money.
The Power of Privilege
Understanding white privilege as a concept and how it can become a force for change in the entrepreneurial world.
For Teachers and Students

The Teacher Guide is a resource to help educators understand the purpose of Wharton’s Beyond Business lecture series on racism and provide guidance for using the videos and worksheets on this page, as well as navigating these issues in the classroom.
The Choice Board allows students to select individual projects and activities that help them reflect on Explore Business themes and apply them to their own experiences. The student activity choices are meant to support in-person and remote classroom learning.

Explore Business with Wharton Global Youth
Our Explore Business mini-sites are gateways to conversations, readings and activities that inspire high school students to think more deeply about issues affecting business and society. Dig into these Wharton-powered learning opportunities wherever and whenever you want to explore timely and compelling topics.