Philadelphia, PA – October 25, 2013 – PwC US and Knowledge@Wharton High School (KWHS) today welcomed 150 educators to the three-day PwC-KWHS Seminar for High School Educators on Business and Financial Responsibility. Selected through a competitive online application process, teachers, principals and administrators are gathering at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for a one-of-a-kind professional development opportunity designed to enhance their ability to instill critical lessons in leadership, entrepreneurship, business and financial responsibility in the classroom.
“Financial education is crucial for empowering students to make responsible and informed fiscal decisions later in life,” says Mukul Pandya, executive director and editor-in-chief of Knowledge@Wharton. “PwC’s continued support and contributions allow us to return to reach a new round of educators with engaging and innovative methods of addressing financial literacy. We have created a powerful ripple effect; with each seminar, we are reaching more educators and by extension, more students.”
Noted guests include Wharton faculty and PwC executives, including:
• Peter Cappelli, Director, Wharton’s Center for Human Resources, on planning a career in a mobile workforce
• AmyLynn Flood, Partner, PwC Philadelphia, on how financial literacy promotes leadership
• Christopher Geczy, Wharton Professor of Finance, on hedge funds, asset allocation and other things students should know
• Maria Castañón Moats, Partner and Chief Diversity Officer, PwC, on leveraging the power of differences
• Gary Price, Partner, Partner Affairs Leader and Chief Administrative Officer, PwC, on leadership
• David J. Reibstein, Wharton Professor of Marketing, on how marketing influences young consumers
• Shannon Schuyler, Principal, Corporate Responsibility Leader, PwC US, on collaboration with businesses in the classroom
• G. Richard Shell, Wharton Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, on success and helping your students navigate their future
“Attendees of our past seminars are in overwhelming agreement that this experience leaves them with the preparation they need and a newfound comfort level to further integrate these critical skills in the classroom,” said Ed Lovelidge, PwC’s Philadelphia Managing Partner. “That is the lasting and scalable impact we strive for at PwC, and across each market we touch as we work to impact the financial health of our nation’s students.”
The PwC-KWHS collaboration is part of PwC’s Earn Your Future, a five-year, $160 million commitment to help students develop responsible financial behaviors. To date, more than 500 high school educators have participated in this series of seminars. All attendees will receive PwC’s financial literacy curriculum, which includes detailed lesson plans and activities, and will learn how to access articles, lesson plans and competitions offered through KWHS, a Wharton initiative that promotes financial literacy, entrepreneurship and leadership among high school educators and students through engaging content.
PwC and KWHS have plans to continue the seminars June 16-18, 2014 on Wharton’s San Francisco campus. Details will be available in the coming months.
PwC’s Financial Literacy Award
PwC’s Financial Literacy Award recognizes educators who are helping their students develop responsible financial behaviors by prioritizing financial literacy curricula in our nation’s classrooms. PwC is inviting teachers to submit a one-to-three minute video demonstrating how they brought this topic to life in the classroom using activities such as PwC’s financial literacy curriculum and real-world application.
The first place winner will receive an iPad for classroom use and $5,000 for his or her high school to support financial literacy education. Two honorable mention recipients will each receive $2,500 for his or her school. The winning educators also receive priority entry into the 2014 PwC and KWHS Seminar for High School Educators on Business and Financial Responsibility.
About the Wharton School and Knowledge@Wharton
Founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. With a broad global community and one of the most published business school faculties, Wharton creates ongoing economic and social value around the world. The School has 5,000 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA and doctoral students; more than 9,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and a powerful alumni network of 92,000 graduates.
Knowledge@Wharton is the online business analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The site, which is free, captures relevant knowledge generated at Wharton and beyond by offering articles and videos based on research, conferences, speakers, books and interviews with faculty and other experts on global business topics.
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