Announcing the Winners from Round One of Our First Comment and Win Contest!

The first-ever KWHS Comment and Win contest is off to a strong start. During Round One, which lasted from June 26 to July 7, 2017, readers from around the world posted 20 interesting and perceptive comments on 12 different KWHS articles, ranging in themes from biotech innovation to the national debt. Our KWHS team appreciates all the commenters’ efforts, opinions and insights. It was a lot of fun reading your reflections!
The winner of Round One is Samir Bhalla of the Canadian International School in Singapore. Bhalla’s comment on Investing with Purpose offers some analysis, and also a look into his personal choices related to impact investing and how he wrestled with a decision that in the end he realized didn’t sit well with him ethically. Runner Up in this round is Aneesh Shinkre from Allen D. Nease High School in St. Augustine, Florida, U.S., for his thoughts on Motivational Intelligence: Three Steps to Setting Effective Goals. Shinkre’s ideas truly add value to the conversation around goal setting and thinking and dreaming big. Honorable Mentions for Round One go to Rohit Roy of Ridge High School in Basking Ridge, N.J., U.S., for his detailed and well-organized thoughts on The National Debt: What’s Behind All Those Zeros?, and Michael Chan of Saint Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School in Richmond Hill, Canada, for considering a variety of angles after reading The Mastermind Behind the Only Gun that Unlocks Like an iPhone.
We encourage all our readers to check out these comments and more in the Knowledge@Wharton High School ( online business journal. Round Two of the KWHS Comment and Win contest starts Monday, July 10 and wraps up at midnight on Friday, July 21. In this two-week phase of the competition, you must reply to an existing comment on a KWHS article. So, all the same rules apply; however, you can’t just leave a new comment. Read another commenter’s perspective, reflect, and provide a response that recognizes their points, provides feedback, and possibly offers your opinion. Feel free to debate. We’ll be watching. And remember, you must first register with KWHS in order to leave a comment. It’s quick, free and painless — sign up here. Good luck!
Below is a list of linked KWHS articles that already have reader comments and reflections to which you could reply. This is only a sampling. Be sure to use our site search engine, as well as look under the “articles” tab at the top of the KWHS homepage for more content. Click on the toolbar to the right of any article to access “Related KWHS Stories” in our archives.
Send all questions, ideas and feedback to our KWHS team at
Here’s a link to the original news article introducing the 2017 KWHS Comment and Win: